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Drawbacks of murder

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Everyone hates to be killed, especially while unarmed or harmless, but it is a necessary function of the game. However i believe there should be drawbacks to these acts. Because the goal of this game is to be realistic as possible what if murdering creates phycological effects to the player in the game.

The first person you kill should have a short but horrible drawback. Your player might vomit from the disgust of killing his fellow man, he may start to weep, and his vision will blur, and he will be regretful, maybe he is too disgusted to even touch his first victim.

After the next few kills little should happen, but after so many murders your character starts to go insane and he starts to whisper to himself possibly giving his location away, paranoia sets in and you might start hearing things, this is something that will have longterm effects to the player. He may have hallucinations or a bloodthurst that must be quenshed.

You can say "oh my character needs to grow a pair of fucking balls and steal all this guys shit already" but in reality if you were to kill someone, im sure you would regret it as well.

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Yeah people argue realism but psychologically people couldn't handle the pure stress and anger from having to survive, avoid survivors/zombies, and kill players. people would begin to go insane,

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Eh, ive searched but i havent seen a thread saying anything about phycological effects after murder.

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Logically, our toons would have most likely killed many zeds before having to shoot another player. Now, given zeds were once people if you are going to have psycholigical damage for shooting a player, you should also get it the first time you shoot a zed, as you have to admit that would be traumatic.

Or, you can accept this isn't a good way to handle cause and effect with player kills.

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stress does not mean insanity, zombies are just mindless husks of what once was a human, the disgust from their wounds doesnt make you feel regretful but happy that you have put them out of their misery. Its just a drawback that would make sense and would be realistic which is what the players crave, majority of the posts on suggestions are to make it more realistic

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this is indirectly punishing banditry, as rocket has said before he will not punish any particular play style so i dont see this being implemented

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now as a vet of DayZ been playing since it was like 4 servers big and before everyone started murdering the shit out of eachother, I've watched how the violence evolved in DayZ. and when everyone was friends it was boring, now I am no bandit but if someone is in my way between me living or me dying I know the easy choice and its to kill him, in my encounters with people they have been all positive buttt then again normally one-two guys don't fuck with an entire section of what appears to be british soldiers.

We personally do get upset when an innocent person crosses our path and we can't afford to watch them and we have to put him down it sucks and we remember the encounter and how to avoid killing again. If we see someone who is a bandit 1) if we are in voice range we warn them to drop their stuff if they surrender we let them live after tossing their gear onto a zombie and hide the body and send them on their way 2) if they fail to heed our warning we light them up. Bandit make the game what it is today and it not so much of a giant massacre anymore since people have learned to play and survive.

Also PS I did make a suggestion along this line in about may-ish when all the people who just bought A2 for DayZ joined and really fucked up the game with the insane amount like I am talking insane amount of deathmatching this is nothing compared to a couple of months ago.

TL;DR: This is nothing compared to the early builds of DayZ murder wise so ya

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