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US 866 / Seattle 7 (FREE TACOS!!!)

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Do NOT join this server for the following reasons:

(I played with these people, and believe it or not, this is what happens)

-They dupe items CONSTANTLY, and keep tent cities hidden up north filled with gear.

-They horde vehicles, and restart the server if you steal one so they can try to retrieve it before you can get back to it.

-Will ban you if you kill too many of them.

-They're known for shutting down the server if one of them gets killed so their death isn't registered to the hive

-Constantly camp big cities with their infinite gear and snipe ANYONE. Even bambis with no gear.

-Admins will use their tools to give their regulars the location of people they aren't associated with. For instance, if I was playing on the server and was in their Teamspeak, the admins would sometimes tell me if other players were nearby.


There is a lot of other things that they do that makes this server really illegitimate. Please avoid it at all costs if you value a fair game. They're known for being really inconsistent and shutting off the server for long periods of time because of "hacking." Thats right, the admins get tired of doing their job? So long to your server.The admins are really unfriendly and think they know everything. When they shutdown the server for a couple of months, they banned me from the TS and dropped contact with me on steam to avoid criticism for shutting it down. No integrity whatsoever.

I don't have proof for any of this, but if you do some independent research on these forums, you'll find plenty of complains for US 866.

Happy hunting,

-D.Wright (Slazors)


Edited by Slazors92
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You can have my beans for making my laugh my ass off.

Thank you very much!

Edited by Slazors92

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Hello. I was playing on your server [and a fine one at that!]

My friend and I both got kicked & banned [He somehow can get inside the server]

We were looking for tents in the woods, and we found a Campsite with a Motorbike, an ATV & tents full of very nice items.

Suddenly. My friend got teleported 2000M away & I said, that's odd, but i'm nearly there [700M away] - As I approached 500M of the co ordiantes he gave me, I got teleported 12,000M away to the bottom of the map.

15 Seconds later, we both received a ban for 'Teleport Hack'

We didn't hack, a hacker, [i think?] - Teleported us, with a hack.

Please can you fix this? I don't know what more to say, we are completely innocent, and were VERY upset to be teleported - AWAY - from the vehicles we found.

This is a mistaken ban. Thank you a lot for reading this. - and whilst I appreciate how much you admins are watching, I must say you made a mistake.

Thank you in advance!

Edit, tis a bit derpy to not say my character name.

- - I have a lot of posts on the forum, and love Dayz, I most certainly not a hacker!

Character name;


& my friend


Edited by Upshot

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Avoid this server like the plague. Admin abuses his own server and uses teleport hacks/spawns items for his friends. He admitted it to me over direct chat. I'll post physical proof soon.

Edit: Disregard. The player in question, Selvo does not appear to be a listed admin of this server. Either that or he has changed his name at the time of this incident.

Edited by NightFang

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Avoid this server like the plague. Admin abuses his own server and uses teleport hacks/spawns items for his friends. He admitted it to me over direct chat. I'll post physical proof soon.

Edit: Disregard. The player in question, Selvo does not appear to be a listed admin of this server. Either that or he has changed his name at the time of this incident.

I don't run the server, I just advertise it as I'm a regular. Unless you actually do have proof, I can't have action taken against Selvo. I know him from the vent and I don't know him to do those kinds of things. Regardless, please post proof so I can be sure this is going on. Trying to make sure you all have a good experience on the server. Message me if you see fit.

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If this server is so great, why is it 10 minutes into my first time, 15 people die in a mass dump. No one around me, and I am dead. I really want to like and use this server. Can the admins reestablsih my character?

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I played on this server for about an hour during that hour I was saved by admin after a Hacker teleported next to me Instabanned. :D Found a Bike, MP5, and a Tent and made a nice little home. Also no more waiting for Loots to spawn in!

Think I might make this my new home.

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Still not satisfied with this server. Another hacker kill, Snipers that kill all newbies at spawn points, and everything allowed to be barbed wired by other players for no access. This server is a huge dissappointment.

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Still not satisfied with this server. Another hacker kill, Snipers that kill all newbies at spawn points, and everything allowed to be barbed wired by other players for no access. This server is a huge dissappointment.

Hyperbole much?

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Still not satisfied with this server. Another hacker kill, Snipers that kill all newbies at spawn points, and everything allowed to be barbed wired by other players for no access. This server is a huge dissappointment.

The admins can't ban people from sniping coast spawns. The barbed wire comes back at every reset. Hacking can't be stopped, but it seems like admins are at least active so they can ban them after the fact.. I fail to see how this is the server's fault.

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Props to the Admins. Spawned in with my char up by Stary and within like 1 minute was being messed with by somebody with an invisibility hack. Was on my way back to my body when another person (possibly same person) suddenly spawned like 5m behind me and tries to kill me with a grenade. However I had started moving so it didn't work. He starts following and takes a shot at me so Alt-F4'd to get out of there. Switched to another server and hike my way back up to where my body was so I could switch back to this server in attempt to loot my well equipped corpse to get some of the equip back. However when I did, there were skyscrapers everywhere around Stary. Within a few minutes the server was restarted and when I logged back in again I was greeted by an admin.

Anyways, just thought I'd put in my good two cents and say this is a good server with admins who are on top it when it comes to keeping the server clean.

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