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Rustywolf (DayZ)

Tired of 16/18+ age restrictions? Then this squad is for you!

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If you're saying you are tired of age restrictions then you are being a Hipocrit by making a squad that only allows in 11 - 14 year olds... :/

Vouch. As a fifty five year old man I feel discriminated against and deprived of a mutually beneficial opportunity.

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IGN - Nathan

Age - 13 gonna be 14 in october :lol:

Low ping - 120s to 140s :|

Skype - nate9801

Lvl of game knowledge - 7ish

Inventory - nothing, just died by human causes

Anything else - i have a built in mic on my computer so wont be the best sound quality

:D :beans: :emptycan: :beans: :emptycan: :lol:

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If you're saying you are tired of age restrictions then you are being a Hipocrit by making a squad that only allows in 11 - 14 year olds... :/

I don't think most players that are 17 or 18+ are looking to play in a clan that's mostly people younger than them

Well we can't have little nine year olds messing around and asking how to move forward

I'm fairly certain he was talking about people older than 15 ;)

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I don't think most players that are 17 or 18+ are looking to play in a clan that's mostly people younger than them

Exactly this. If anything the people doubting this effort need to stop looking down on the OP and instead offer some advice to keep this thing going.

Perhaps with an established group, teenagers can finally have a place to go to instead of trying to join the older age groups. So theoretically......its a win win.

Edited by Deetwo
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Keep the forms coming guys! :D

How many people are u trying to fish in?

hopefully not like more then 6/7

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Kids cannot be mature under 16.

You were a kid once, and would you like it if someone restricted you from surviving in a group because of your age? Regardless of your maturity!

I never get into a squad as I am always kicked out for being too young as i'm only 12.

I'm here to see how many kids will cry when they get sniped

I've never got angry about being killed, I simply respawn until i'm in kamenka and follow my loot route up north past 8 deer stands and I also grab a bike from a town too which is always there as it's hidden. I'm sure most people do the same!

Edited by CoolCain10
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How many people are u trying to fish in?

hopefully not like more then 6/7

Why the number limit? Just because you have 20+ people doesn't mean 20+ people are going to be playing all the time.

And if you have 6/7 chances are there won't be alot of opportunities for all of them to play together because of real life conflicts.

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Why the number limit? Just because you have 20+ people doesn't mean 20+ people are going to be playing all the time.

And if you have 6/7 chances are there won't be alot of opportunities for all of them to play together because of real life conflicts.

I'd imagine, the sky's the limit as long as you guys have an adequate amount of officers to manage people.

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Isn't this game rated m 17+

Just wondering what type of parent would allow a child to play a video game that depicts war, murder, theft and horror.

I wonder where the self righteous mods are now?(pointing no elbows here at all Max).Allowing children to openly post on a forum where language and themes are very often extreme and adult.

Edited by slartibartfast

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IGN: Tweety Bird

Age: 15

Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?: Some

Skype name: captainjosh1

Level of game knowledge (1-10): 7

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?: FN Fal, G17, Coyote Pack, the basic's. I'm a pretty decent sniper, its my favorite roll.

Anything else?: Nope, thank you.

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Isn't this game rated m 17+

Just wondering what type of parent would allow a child to play a video game that depicts war, murder, theft and horror.

I wonder where the self righteous mods are now?(pointing no elbows here at all Max).Allowing children to openly post on a forum where language and themes are very often extreme and adult.

M for maturity. 17 being the recommended age for it. The "children" playing the game have to judge for themselves if they are mature enough or not. I would consider myself mature enough for it. Can I say the same for all other younger players? No, I know that many of them only pay attention to the rating because their parents have to buy it for them; it is very difficult to differentiate the two in a game.

I use the same argument for the forums. I'm not going to use the excuse "it's not like they haven't seen it before".

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GN:Jamie Jameson


Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?:Yes. On certain ones, no, but on most, yes.

Skype name:Damion Vanstone/cowmanthekiller/damionv1999

Level of game knowledge (1-10): 9, I've been playing for about 4 months now.

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?:L85, Silenced M9, 8 STANAG Mags, 6 M9 SD mags, AS50 in my backpack along with a whole arse ton of medical supplies.

Anything else?: I play with a group of 7th Cavarly guys, and they like to have me around, due to my matureness. (7th Cavalry has a bunch of 26 year olds, and if they can tolerate me as a 14 year old, you can too)

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Isn't this game rated m 17+

Just wondering what type of parent would allow a child to play a video game that depicts war, murder, theft and horror.

I wonder where the self righteous mods are now?(pointing no elbows here at all Max).Allowing children to openly post on a forum where language and themes are very often extreme and adult.

Just a little comment, kids aren't as they were years ago. Kids want to be mature, and they want to be with people, at this age children wish to be like their mom's and dad's and work with more mature stuff, and if they aren't ready, I'm sure they'll notice. There are very immature children out there, and I've met them before. But there is also a very large group of mature ones, wanting to work with the mature things, getting ready for the real world (not saying that DayZ is preparing them for the real world, more saying that they want to be apart of something bigger and more mature than a school talent show)

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IGN: Pedro (Props to that above post :D)

Age: Turning 13 next month

Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?: 20-100

Skype name: pedro_nomnom

Level of game knowledge (1-10): 9

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?: Explained Below

Anything else?: I have a friend who is 15 that I have play DayZ with all the time with who has a M4 CCO SD, I was wondering if he could help out here and there

Class: Sniper/Overwatch

Primary: M107 (5 mags)

Secondary: FN FAL (6 mags) Trying to get a silenced secondary rifle

Backpack: Coyote

Pistol: PDW (7 G17 Mags)(Looking for M9SD)

Clothing: Camo (Looking for ghillie)

No Vehicles found

Tools: Everything but a toolbox, gps, and military flashlight

Edited by Piez

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Why the number limit? Just because you have 20+ people doesn't mean 20+ people are going to be playing all the time.

And if you have 6/7 chances are there won't be alot of opportunities for all of them to play together because of real life conflicts.

I understand you but if there are like 10/15 people playing it will just be a mess and i can speak of experience that there while be a asshole who just kills evryone i just hope that its just going to be a squad of 6/9 people and u now how that is going to be on skype? 20+ people? Edited by joost4533

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Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?:Yes 30-90

Skype name:theZergra

Level of game knowledge (1-10):9 (got experience with Arma before dayz)

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?:Winchester, Ghillie suit full kit(NV googles and stuff) Got most of my stuff of a couple hackers i shot. Ran up to one and took his weapon off his backpack. Been hankering along ever since then) Might not keep it going into city. We´ll see.

Anything else?:Want your own certified Medic. Unfortunately wont be able to be so active.

Edited by Zergra

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Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?:Not at all, From 30 ping to about 50 on most

Skype name: pazzajazza

Level of game knowledge (1-10): 9

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?: Bizon SD - 4 Mags , M4A1 CCO SD - 8 Mags , Food , Water , Coyote Backpack , G17 loaded with Mags. NVGS , Rangerfinder

Anything else?:Flying Helicopters is awesome :3 - Also have some other friends I play with.

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I understand you but if there are like 10/15 people playing it will just be a mess and i can speak of experience that there while be a asshole who just kills evryone i just hope that its just going to be a squad of 6/9 people and u now how that is going to be on skype? 20+ people?

Did you read what I said..?

"Just because you have 20+ people doesn't mean 20+ people are going to be playing all the time"

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I have some questions, but would like to apply just in case right now too so that way it wont fill up before they get answered.



Do you have low ping to UK/FRA/GER servers?: EDIT: Depending on the server i can get 90-200

Skype name: DannyMartialis (Martialis is latin for OfMars which means Warlike)

Level of game knowledge (1-10): EDIT: i would say 7 or 8

What do you have in your inventory at the moment?: Right now i have a M4A1 CCO with two stanag rounds, 5 cans of foods, 5 or 6 cans of pepsies/cokes, USING a makarov, but have a pdw (ran out of ammo), 3 painkillers, 1 blood bag, and an Alice Pack. That's all i think.

Anything else?: Have to share a computer so i may not be able to get on everyday, and would need to have a estimate time at least an hour or two before playing. Not hey playing in 30 minutes. I am building a computer soon so sooner or later i wont have to deal with that.

Edited by Danny_007

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What do you plan to use skype for? Just to chat or will you be using it to video chat? What kind of clan you looking to create? One where we actually set up a base server have a camp and store stuff. Or one where we are on the move always changing servers and not staying in one for multiple days?

Edited by Danny_007

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