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Close range aiming is screwed up.

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I think is some kind of glitch... specially when shooting zombies close quarters... the bullet seems to spawn behind them, so I have to step back a little to finish the kill. It's annoying.

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From what I have gathered, the bullet starts in the chamber as it goes down the barrel, out to the target, and hits.

BUT, if the target is standing directly in front of you, and your weapon has a long barrel (Lee Enfield, M16, etc) the barrel passes through them. Even worse, it seems the bullet travelling down the barrel does not do damage, so in a sense it is waiting until it gets down the tunnel (barrel) to come out the back of the zombie, doing no damage. The same way a train goes down a mountain-side tunnel and doesn't explode from hitting an invisible wall that doesn't exist.

I can't really explain it any better.

................... XXXXXXXX

[chamber]0====barrel=====0 <Bullet Exits down the tunnel, never touching the target. Simply goes through them.



Visual representation. Sucks, sure, but the best I could do.

Edited by Zeromentor
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Yeah I find I always have to lead the target even if they are cq and moving slowly

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it's fine...

champion my ass, you've been called on that before and never even replied about it.

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Interesting, i have not changed any config files by hand. (dont know how battleye will feel about that?)

Is there some keywords i can use to search for this on Google? On how to tune it?

I did this:

Now go to My Documents/ArmA 2, open up the file called "<username>.ArmA2OAProfile" in notepad. Change these lines to the following:
  • shadingQuality=0;
  • mouseSmoothing=1;

To me it made lots of difference.. at least the mouse felt weird before I did that. Im not 100% sure if I did anything else, it was few weeks ago when I did it. Here is something.. and also "arma2 mouse setup" google gives many sites.


Edited by Zeppa

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your aim in 3rd person is off because of the difference in POV.

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CQB aiming is fucked beyond belief unless you turn your sensitivity all the way down...but then you're fucked if something comes up behind you. It's a no-win situation.

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