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Clan Quebecois }PTN{ ( Pas l"Temps d'Niaiser ) Recrute !

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Salut , je part un groupe qui "kill on sight" parce que "on a Pas l'Temps d'Niaiser "!!!. j'aimerai etre stable sur 1 ou 2 servers avec un ptit groupe organiser (( 6-8 ) peut aller jusqu'a 10 max ) avec des roles ( scouts , sniper , medics ..ect ect ) on tue pas les respawn a moin qui soit arme . ON ce gear miliary pis on part faire du PVP / Chasse aux vehicules. J'ai acces a un ventrilo.

- Cherche du monde qui on pas peur de prendre des risques ( pas "brayer" quand tu perd tes pixels)

- Doit etre actifs au moin 1 fois semaines

- Doit etre mature et capable de communiquer et ecouter

- Avoir un certain degres d'experience dans le jeux ( pvp surtout )

- Etre la pour avoir du fun pis manger des bonnes " bines "!!

Si tu veux join , contacte / add moi sur Steam pis jvous pose 3-4 questions. Steam name : Alucard~Nasty

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constructif mon gars !!! , "Pas l'Temps D'niaiser" avec toi !

Edited by Alucardnasty

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Je pense qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de québécois sur le forum. Je joindrais, mais j'ai déja un group avec qui jouer.

Bonne chance.

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Encore un autres quawk qui pense qu'un tag fait le joueur , skillz, its where its at . Commentaire constructif boys ..si t pas content tu passe a autres chose.

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Ok.... i 100% agree my friend

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So, you're looking for people like [QC] jean-denis who was recently banned for remote code execution?

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Deffamation again. Until the case is done i'll ask you to stop posting false accusation.

Pour info au quebecois, Jean-Denis est un joueur qui n'utilise pas de hack. System anti-ban qui selon moi est trop sensible le fais d'avoir conduis un helicopter spawner par un de nos ancien membre de clan ( qui j'espere sera bannis ) Jean-Denis ses vu bannis du Serveur ou nous jouons. Nous somme un clan respectable et nous somme tout simplement contre le hack. Un infiltration dans nos rang vont resserer tous recrutement a venir. Les membres devront passer plus de question et une plus longue attente avant de devenir membre. En se moment meme nous essayons, moi et ma team, de parler avec l'admin pour que la bonne personne sois bannis.

Micky Leader de [QC].

Edit : Je suis desoler Alucard, je n'aime pas trop poster sur ton Post mais je dois contrez cette diffamation.

Edited by Micky

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So, you're looking for people like [QC] jean-denis who was recently banned for remote code execution?

Ok bud . Don't post your crap here. Your making Presumptions that i recruit people like that or that Quebeckers are all in that "bag" , well your completely off . Let me guess, you hate frenchies ?????

We don't recruit hackers , scripters etc etc Go elsewhere to fuck with people's recruitment post thank You !

Edited by Alucardnasty

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Micky, if you look at the time, this was the first post we made when we found your clan's recruitment thread. You have what? 3 threads out? As for me "hating frenchies"? What does that even mean? lol You Alucardnasty are a complete idiot. According to Micky's response, you recruited a obvious hacker/scripter. So, go fuck yourself. I merely called out your "member" for being banned for remote code execution. This is nothing to do with anyone that is French. Ta Ta

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
No personal insults please

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Micky, if you look at the time, this was the first post we made when we found your clan's recruitment thread. You have what? 3 threads out? As for me "hating frenchies"? What does that even mean? lol You Alucardnasty are a complete idiot. According to Micky's response, you recruited a obvious hacker/scripter. So, go fuck yourself. I merely called out your "member" for being banned for remote code execution. This is nothing to do with anyone that is French. Ta Ta

your a complete retard , where does he says i recruited a hacker ????? you don't even speak french and he doesn't talk about me recruiting a hacker , he apologize for posting here on my recruiting post....( like you should do to) .... its not even my team member that got banned... hes talking about his member because you came here and posted about "him" ( the banned guy wich we dont even know or care about) in a not related clan....make no sense. Were not associated with any [Qc] members. , get your sources right or learn french before posting anything not related at all. This is a Recruitment post , not a drama troll shit that you Sir started. once again Thank you !

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
No personal insults please

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If you guys want to continue your discussion, please do so without getting personal.

You may disagree, but calling each other 'idiot' and 'retard' is not okay.

Stay classy.


We have, as far as I know, no moderators who speak french so please keep it in english. Thank you.

Edited by Max Planck

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