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seeking help with optic troubles

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I tried to make a new profile and a new name but when I went through the controls and set them how i wanted something was wrong when I tried to aim down the sights. Now whenever I go to aim down the sights on any gun (handguns included) it zooms in about halfway and then go to ADS view, then to exit I have to double right click twice. Once does nothing. I've made a bunch of new profiles and all experimented with the controls. Some I didn't touch anything that had to do with optics and it still does it. Now on my main profile it's starting to do it out of nowhere. On this profile it was how it was intended, R Click once to view down sight, then R Click again to go back. It's starting to annoy me. I can live with all the other bugs and glitches but something that effects something as fundamental as this I have to find a solution.

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Can you post a video or screenshot? It would make it much easier to see what the problem might be.

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Can you post a video or screenshot? It would make it much easier to see what the problem might be.

whenever I go to aim down the sights on any gun (handguns included) it zooms in about halfway and then goes to ADS view, then to exit I have to double right click twice.

Not much more to explain than that. That's all a video would show and a screenshot wouldn't show my problem.

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Hello there

Tripple check your keybinds, it may be a key or double tap is assigned to another control.



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