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Considering buying A4 + Arrowhead for day z. Worth it? How to get the most from it?

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I'm strongly considering buying this when im home from work later, to tide me over untill War Z or the standalone Day Z.

Is it worth it? Personally I think it is worth it, but my main concern is about hackers. How do inplay on one of these hive servers I've seen mentioned? I'm in the UK, many hive servers in my region?

The money is only a minor issue, I'm not rich but I could spare the cash without problems if I decided to buy, so don't let that factor into your answer please :)

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I've been playing a few months and have had only one encounter with a hacker, and I didn't even die. lol, I would not let that stop you. If you think you will like it then buy it and have a go. I only bought Arma for DayZ and do not regret it.

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You're asking for opinion which is always dangerous. Anyway, I have only recently started playing Arma OA and I think it's awesome.

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At it's current state it's not worth it. Tents and vehicles don't save, hackers run rampant and there's a lot of graphical bugs. Oh yeah, and the gear duping thing sucks too.

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Can anybody recommend some (relatively) hacker free UK servers please?

I'm thinking I would enjoy A2 even if DZ is crap lol

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DayZ has alot of problems now and I wouldn't exactly recommend it in it's current state, but you could still probably have some fun in it, especially if you have some people to play with. I don't regret getting it back in July, but I would just say to wait for the standalone, unless you could maybe get the game for under 20 bucks. Anything for under 20 bucks is usually worth it unless it's just a really bad game lol

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I've been playing a few months and have had only one encounter with a hacker, and I didn't even die. lol, I would not let that stop you. If you think you will like it then buy it and have a go. I only bought Arma for DayZ and do not regret it.

You are nothing more than incredibly lucky. I've spoken with hackers before(I can't make them not do it unfortunately) and what they told me was appalling. They said, on servers with more than 30 players, you are almost 99.9% guaranteed there is a hacker currently playing. He may be laying low, but he is certainly there. Just because they aren't nuking the servers, doesn't mean they aren't there. He can tell, because he would teleport to them to try and kill them, and when they didn't die they'd say "Lol I'm hacking too bro nice try" or something to that effect. He said these words, quite simply and eloquently.. "Rocket does not have control of his game anymore. They, We, Do." and that was the last time I spoke with him. He was once a legit player I knew, but said fuck it and bought the VIP hack just so he can kill hackers when he saw them via kill commanding(as it will still work with god mode on).

If you want to avoid hackers, try another game and come back for standalone. Most of us still playing the mod have accepted the fact we are going to lose our gear to hackers more times than we will to being legitimately killed, bugs, or being overrun by zombies. The only thing you can truly do is play low(very) population servers. As in, 10 players or less. Private hives are a bit better since admins can ban for whatever the hell they want, but hackers get into those too. It's just not as much because for one, hackers know that progress on a private hive isn't as important as official hive(the impact is not as severe) and they don't feel like going through the trouble to get whitelisted to that private hive(most private hives have some sort of whitelisting system, whether it be registering to their forums, or giving them your player ID, etc.)

Edited by KField86

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I bought Arma2 just for DayZ.

I died one time and have been alive since. Going on 20 days now.

I do not join highly populated servers for obvious reasons: hackers and idiots that just sit around waiting to kill other players because they are lame.

I would say it has been worth the purchase. I am having much fun roaming around alone or with a couple friends.

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I purchased Arma CO just for Dayz and it has been totally worth it, the more you play the more the bugs, hackers etc bother you. It is however a unique game, nothing I've ever played is like it.

It isn't long until the standalone version though. UK135 is a pretty good server.

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Buy it. It's not expensive and even if you don't like it because of the hacking and bugs you can still enjoy Arma 2 + OA. I have bought the game only for DayZ and I am not regretting it. Although I get only 15 fps. Can only kill a cow standing still, get killed without even knowing from where the shots came I am having a blast.

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I only play on the highest population lingor servers as a killing machine, I have not ran into a hacker yet..

I dont play games much at 35 but dayz lingor is the only game I currently play...I recommend it

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If you are not at all interested in ARMA, don't get it. Dayz is still alpha. It would be like paying to play a demo. HOWEVER, if you could convince a friend of yours to play along then you'll have a lot more fun and it might be worth all the trouble. You will die from hackers in this game. There's hackers in all PC games. Get used to it.

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Buy ARMA:CO and play ARMA:CO. Not worth it for DayZ.

Currently DayZ is broken, and im fine with that, just don't waste money and blame ARMA:2.

Play the game, the mod was built on.

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i would recommend purchasing the game, hackers or no ive had a blast playing dayz, bought it about 2 weeks ago, the price on arma 2 is a bit steep, 29.99 for the combined operations pack which i bought on amazon, ill never touch steam with a ten foot pole as their customer service is shit, got my account taken over by a hacker and banned, good luck trying to get them to email you back.

the hacking is rampant though. i would say ive been killed by hackers about 80% more than to players. usually they mass teleport everyone on the server over an ocean.

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If you are not standing good in terms of money, I suggest you wait for the standalone version which should be out before Christmas.

As for DayZ right now. Its an alpha version. People die by glitching over fences, through doors, climbing ladders.

Zombies ignore fences and closed doors and walk through them.

Hackers are not that much of a pain in the ass, it just depends on your luck whether you meet 10 hackers in 10 minutes or just 2-3 in 4 months like me.

Graphical artifacts and bugs appear in some areas making your screen totally grey and the game unplayable at some point.

Stats glitching, player skins randomly changing, loosing backpacks sometimes when changing from hero to bandit or applying other clothing on you.

Now as for the Experience in general. If you buy it, you will not care at all about those minuses I just listed, because the game is seriously addicting. You will find yourself playing for hours each day. The standalone should have all those things fixed, but if you have the money to get both, then go ahead buy ArmA 2 Combine Operations for DayZ. you won't regret it, even tho its a buggy world you will enter. Besides, you will still have the ArmA 1 and 2 itself. Playing military missions on multiplayer and having fun.

Well, peace out.

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Arma2 co is great game. If you are like me i would recomend arma for arma's sake - but i don't know if you are like me. If you like experimenting, trying out mods and wide-open gameplay, you may like arma. If you like plug in and go convenience, you may not

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You're on the DayZ forum, so we're likely to be biased in favor of the game we play, but I'm going to throw a big thumbs up into the mix for the sake of it. I played ArmA2 and OA for months before DayZ came out, and enjoyed both, but never really got that far into the campaign. I fiddled with the editor and made little maps where I'd experiment with laser-guided bombs and remote-control UAVs and stuff, almost always using air units to stomp on ground targets. I still fire up the armory in single-player and tear it up in a Harrier or something for an hour or so. Good times.

DayZ has its share of problems, but most of those problems don't even bother you until you've found a DMR or fixed up a car or something. After all, if I'm hiding in a barn at night with no food trying to figure out how a crossbow and two bolts can get me past 38 zombies and into the woods, a hacker isn't going to make my situation a lot worse. Once you've got zombies figured out and know the map, then you set yourself little missions, like hitting up the tents at Stary or trying to find a tent city and steal a car. WHen you get hit by a script kiddie during a 2-hour mission, you get miffed.

I think you'll have a good time with the game. If you have friends to play with, that's awesome, and even if you don't you can learn the ropes on your own. I advise you to try the ArmA2 tutorials and get a handle on the controls. Hopping over a fence, switching stuff from your inventory to your pack, accessing a corpse and even just going up a ladder are a little trickier than you might expect them to be in a first-person shooter, so some basic training will go a long way.

If the hacking really eats your lunch, and hilltop dickheads are ruining your good time, consider a private hive. Find one with side channel active and use it (Only type in side channel, don't use voice chat or else you'll lag the server and get hated on) to get tips and meet friendlies. Don't rage when some sociopath kills you, just start over and learn a little from it. The game's fun. Play it.

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This is merley my opinion but it could be many others too.

I've been playing DayZ since the beginning. It pretty much has turned into a lameass pvp orientated game in high loot areas. But that just makes you learn a new curve in the game. Watch out, be more careful, don't attract attention. But to the reason that most people are starting to hate towards it is because glitches, bugs, hackers, e.t.c. I think that most people may exhaggerate on it, but it also changes how you react to things. At first most people are like, "Omg I died to a glitch, bug, hack, this game sucks."

Firstly, this game is in alpha, you're going to lose your stuff, but it makes you learn to move on, and learning that helps you with other games too, you wont get as easily frusterated anymore.

Secondly, it isn't a game, it's a mod. It was made from the game ARMA 2. It's not supposed to be perfect in any way, but it sure is enjoyable.

Like I said, i've played DayZ since the beginning. (But I haven't been on the forums until recently) I got Arma 2 because, of Arma 2. So I thought, what they hey, this MOD looks fun. I downloaded it, and I'm sure it could be a game alone just as it is. I don't know how many times my heart has been pounded after surviving an aggrivating fire fight with 2 or more people. The game get's you into it and makes memories and stories for you. This game is all about making fun memories. If you're able to handle a game that irritates you sometimes, but gives you the best experiences in your gaming history. Buy it, because I'm sure that if I didnt buy ARMA 2 just for "ARMA 2", I'd probably would've boughten it just for DayZ. I remember the first time I met survivors and we tagged along, it was the best experience ever. If you buy Arma 2 for DayZ it's a win, win. You get two amazing games for the deal of $30. I'd take that deal any day. Because i've had more fun playing those two games than playing any other game on the console or pc.

If you don't want to buy the 2 for 1 deal, I think that if you dont buy it, your missing out. You can look back at those good ol' dayz ;) of DayZ and say, yeah, I was a part of that, I was a part of that experience. Whether you play as a scumbag bandit, a sole survivor, or a hero. You're going to have a fun time in DayZ. The most fun i've had was when i first started, and played, it was like being entered into a new world, as a new man. I'm telling you, if you haven't boughten it yet, you're missing out.

And for the hacker solution, yes if you join a server with 40+ people in it, I'm sure there's a hacker on it. But download lingor island, it's a free player made map for DayZ. It has waaay less hackers and you can have even more experiences on it too.


You're missing out on the best gaming experiences. Bug, glitches, hackers can be learned to handle. You get a great game (which is Arma 2), and an amazing mod which is DayZ (which should be considered a game right now because it's so much fun) for the price of $30 (on steam). If you don't buy it now, you're missing out.

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Do it man, its is worth it no matter what anyone else says. Its fun just play in low pop servers to start out. If you get bored of it or hackers are too much for you then download and play lingor also. Its a fresh new spin on the reg dayz. Ive only been playing dayz for a month and ive downloaded and play both and im addicted. I only baught arma 2 oa for dayz and i dont regret a thing. Im telling you you eont regret a thing

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You will die from hackers in this game. There's hackers in all PC games. Get used to it.

This is utter horse shit. Disingenuous horse shit. It's like telling someone who's enquiring about an apartment in the most crime ridden street in a city, "Yes, we have crime, but which street doesn't? Get used to it." All games might have hacking, but the magnitude of the problem if far greater in Day Z than in any multiplayer game I have ever played.

hacker free UK servers

Heh, good luck with that. There's no such thing as a hacker free server in Day Z. Well, if you're willing to play in a server with less than 5 people then you may be left unmolested, but playing with so few people is contrary to the idea of the game.

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Wait for the DayZ stand-alone version to be released later this year. The current DayZ Mod for A2 is crap because of all the damn hackers... and I mean A LOT of hackers.

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