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died on login but survived via alt+f4, however i'm stuck now

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Date/Time: 02.09/2012 23 o'clock UTC+1

What happend: I died on login and after 4 seconds i got teleported to debug plains. I quickly disconnected since i hoped to survive somehow. It didn't work very well. I'm alive, but i'm lying on the ground and can't stand up. similar to being unconscious but i can access my gear, open my map and so on.

Where you were: East of Skalka Hill in the Woods (not close to a tree or something like that)

What you were doing: just login in

Current installed version (all up2date)

Servers you were on: happend on DE 1071 but of course i'm "sleeping ;D" on every server now


Your system specs: i7 2500k, ati 5870, win7 64bit, 8gb ram

Timeline of events: " I died on login and after 4 seconds i got teleported to debug plains. I quickly disconnected since i hoped to survive somehow. It didn't work very well. I'm alive, but i'm lying on the ground and can't stand up. similar to being unconscious but i can access my gear, open my map and so on."

Note: I'm stuck since i cant kill myself, so i can either stop playing dayz forever or get some useful tips how to fix this.

I'd like some admin to fix my "status" without killing me or loosing my gear, also i'd be ok if it's necessary to port me to the coast or something like that, but please dont port me to the coast without fixing my status :)

Player ID "30756742"

someone have an idea how to fix this, since forum moderator won't release my post in the bug report subforum.

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Someone needs to find your body and kill you or give you an epipen. I got an epipen on me so i could save you if you want to. I will send you a pm

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there was a server... Canada 2 I believe, that ppl would use to get out of the debug area, I remember spawning in the open plans & asked for help & someone posted that server, said it would spawn in the debug forest... which is much closer to the actual map, than the debug plans or wilderness. Not sure if the server is up or if it still works it's magic, but I do know from 2 times it worked for me & remember others had posted it worked for them, hope this helps.

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thanks for the help, i realy appreciate it but i somehow fixed it. i had a very long loading screen which usually means connection time out, it saved my life ;)

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