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What experiences have you had up north?

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Hello :) So I was playing DayZ Yesterday and headed up to the NW Airfield. I decided not to go in the middle of the air field because of other players or snipers. I headed up to the South barracks. Inside I found the best backpack on the game and a m16a3 with a grenade launcher, but with no ammo :(. After I left the barracks I headed down to the military tents in stary sobor. There I found a mp5SD with 3 mags and a PDWSD with no ammo I decided not to pick up the pdw because I didn't know if it was hacked or not. I already had a AKM at this point and decided to put it in my backpack and use the mp5 instead. I had never seen a pdwsd before and was wondering if it was hacked or not. I did pick it up But never used it. I was wondering if any of you could tell me if this gun exists or not.

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It's 0% legit.

Normal PDW is legit though

Check the dayz wiki->weapons page to see the listed weapons that are legitimately in dayzEDIT: read pdw instead of pdw sd.

Edited by RazorWire

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The PDW is legit. Silenced version, however, not so much: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/PDW

As for the question the topic title asks: North is where I live. I'm only South upon respawning or meeting up with friends. I might hunt at Stary but I don't care about the military tents and haven't since the graphic glitches were introduced. Both of the barracks at the NE airfield is where it's at. Never walked away empty handed.

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13 Year Old Day Z Player! Being a better man then a lot have shown to be here. Bravo kiddo you have my beans! It is nice to see a person of your age displaying a sense of whats right. I know its just a video game, but still cheating is cheating. Honor to do the right thing is a remarkable trait... even in a video game.

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I've been to NWAF twice. First time I looted the place, was in the industrial area with alot of zombies aggro'd, and I hear a chopper fly in. They say they'll pick me up, but instead of coming down they just lay me out with machinegun fire.

Second time I was in the industrial area again and a different chopper (diff server) comes and just mows me down.

Industrial area's cursed.

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I picked up an AK-107 yesterday cracking weapon but when I was looking online noticed it wasn't in the wiki so googled it, turned out to be a hacked in weapon (probably why there was so much ammunition with it). I kept it but ran back to the airfield and ditched it for a proper gun, annoyed me though as my current gun isn't as good as the gun I swapped for the hacked weapon, win some lose some but didn't want to get kicked out of a server for cheating even though I hadn't done anything wrong.

Back on topic, I've wondered around up north most of the time, rarely see anyone, I shot someone in a supermarket, he hadn't seen me but I couldn't risk backing out and I didn't want to startle him. Felt slightly bad about it, but he did have matches on him which I needed. Also met somone sneeking into the barracks after I had just looted it, told him there was nothing good there as I dived into the woods.

Edited by littlebeagle

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Rocket stated that you're not allowed to be banned for carrying a hacked weapon.

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tbh I wouldnt drop shit I pick up, even if it was hacked into the game. if I didnt do it then to bad I found it ill use it ta ta

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Thanks For the Help guys! I went to stary and dropped the pdw, I found a m9 which was nice :) What was Nicer is I found A DMR While I was there!!

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