apache25 133 Posted September 3, 2012 i think that swedish firesteels (a type of flint) should be added as loot they could enable you to build campfires without matches.camping stoves could cook tinned goods to increase the blood they give. (stove requires gas)water purification tablets could be found as loot in petrol stations to purify water from lakes or streams (i came up with this idea in one of my other forums so dont say its already been used because i know).a crashed military cargo plane in mountain would be good it could have MRE'S water bottle's and ak47's and coyote backpack.abandoned ships off the coast with a flare gun 4 bandages and 4 flaregun rounds.the ability to carry water in jerrycans (jerry can needs to be washed with water first).farmhouses that have a DB shotgun and a full box of shells in the cupboards.food should spawn in kitchen cupboards not on the floor this would make players root through cupboards to find tins of beans and sausages and drinks.zombies should sleep in houses at night on the floor and under tables walking into these nests may wake them up.a faction wars system if there is a group of 4 people or more and they clear out a town of zombies they can take it over and find planks of wood sheet metal and wheelie bins to make barricades. zombies can attack these towns in waves a few days after taking it over. in these camps are other players who can trade with you and team up with you. (other groups can take over towns)instead of a baseball cap and office shirt spawn players with a black hoodie black pants and a white shemag or a gray tee shirt and black cargo pants. (maybe not the best idea)that was my last suggestion please leave good comments and dont call me an idiot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bobcomss 189 Posted September 3, 2012 All been suggested before generally good ideas...The zombie sleeping one though... In my opinion zombies dont sleep as they dont need rest? but each person has there own view of zeds faction war is a terrible idea....Overall good though :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
apache25 133 Posted September 3, 2012 :( i'm unhappy people complaining about my grammar all the time especially schrapple he moans and moans all the time just because i dont use symbols like this ',;'"" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted September 3, 2012 Lo, Shrapples always complaining about grammar, ignore him. Or just reply to him with even worse grammar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gniuz 1 Posted September 3, 2012 Personally I'd go for some normal everyday things.i) Being able to use your hands, i.e. push zeds away or just punch the **** out of them.ii) Being able to enter every building unless it has a massive security door of course. I have a foot on the end of my leg that can kick a flimsy front door in surely.For a realistic game I always find things like this odd it has realistic damage like my leg breaking if I fall and the game takes into account my food and water levels, but god help someone wanting to push a blood thirsty zed away. Maybe it helps elements of gameplay though I don't know just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
apache25 133 Posted September 3, 2012 good idea fraggle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites