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Whats the point of Humanity?

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Seriously, can anyone answer this? General rule of thumb in DayZ is to shoot first and then shoot some more. Half the time the snipers aren't even looting, they're just sitting on hilltops up-ticking their murder count. I've played for 2 weeks and run across a number of players and "every one" of them has tried to kill me. It's not until a few days ago that I decided to shoot first and then shoot some more later. Every time I've yelled "Friendly" I get greeted with bullets.

So what's the argument here, if any, for Humanity? Is there something coming down the pipes to support penalties for just random murders? If not, I don't really see a reason for it.

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I think maybe the only use it has as of right now is to prove you don't murder people to a prospective team.

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Same to me. I havent had that much encounters with humans in my 20 hours or so but everyone started shooting at me, some earlier, some later.

Penalities would not support the way DayZ is meant to be played - as you like it.

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Humanity was great before. If you were a decent distance from spawn points and you saw a survivor skinned player there was a good chance they were friendly and everyone shot bandits on sight. Then they got rid of humanity so everyone started shooting everyone on sight because a] they were scared the other player was a bandit and b] there was no fear of becoming a bandit themselves. Unfortunately, bringing humanity back hasn't done a lot now that everyone's in to the kill on sight way of thinking but it's still a new game so there's time for change yet...

Edited by mZLY

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i think everyone has to still figure out the pros and cons. For example, a hero(humanity +5000) runs significantly faster then a bandit.

If you travel large distances without vehicles i think this is a great advantage worth considering not being a bandit

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hero's have been reported to run faster then survivors, bandits have a different suit ?

That is as far as i know xD

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Oh really soi the hero actually does run faster than banditos. Interesting ~!

I don't think that's true. Run speed in this game is very buggy. Some people seem to run faster than others for some reason.

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It is true, watch at 3:45

Like I said - run speed in this game is really buggy, some people run faster than others anyway.

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the run speed depends on what gun you are running with, if it is a pistol or rifle. next to that people speed isnt differant.

I think it is worth to run even faster, can cost you a good 10 minutes in some occasions

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the run speed depends on what gun you are running with, if it is a pistol or rifle. next to that people speed isnt differant.

I think it is worth to run even faster, can cost you a good 10 minutes in some occasions

That was actually in an old mythbusters episode. Your weapon doesn't affect your run speed.

Also, at the time I'm referring to my friend was unarmed and I was carrying an AK, lol. I was running much faster than him to the point where I had to keep stopping to let him catch up.

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Run speed also directly linked to food/drink/blood status, a freshly fed & watered survivor will run faster than someone on a lower status, hungry thirsty etc.

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Never saw any difference in run speed from me or my mates, I had the hero skin at the time and was well fed. My other friends had survivor and bandit respectively and one of them was starving. No difference in running speed (I was at the back).

As for the humanity system it's broken atm what with it's tendency to reset and change skins between every login so atm it's not doing a whole lot for some people while seemingly working fine for others.

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I'm proud of my humanity. Although I do get irritated when I'm having fun in Stary just sitting in the busted up warehouse ringing the dinner bell to kill some Zeds and I get sniped by some asshat just because. I wasn't aware of his presence and wasn't worried about it, wasn't server hopping, nothing. Just having some fun with Zombies and then BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM (He wasn't very accurate, either) and I die. It does get disheartening when people shoot for no reason. I've shot at people before, but only after recently losing a partner in the same area, and then turned out he was friendly and I apologized and offered him blood for his troubles.

The KoS mentality gets really annoying when they shoot just to shoot, and don't even bother looting your stuff.

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Join a clan or teamspeak And get to know the guys and meet up , if they are a good clan than they might hook you up with an l85 and as50.. well my one did atleast.

Or at the very least they'll hack you in a G36C I'm sure!

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Or at the very least they'll hack you in a G36C I'm sure!

Nope , As long as they didnt hack the gun in they wont get banned from the clan . We ban anyone who dupes in the clan and anyone who hacks in the clan.

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