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Honestly I get what the op was going through. No other game can get your heart rate up like this one..

EvE Online' date=' nuff said :P (Heart pumps every time in PvP, even if you have been in a gazzillion fights)

Then again you usually have a some "ISK"/more ships to fall back to if you get popped.

And oh you can't DC and hope to live (agression timers :P)


you know i was a long time eve online player and for a while i was a pretty big carebear. but amazingly i somehow hooked up with a zero-sec merc corp (rage of angels in case anyone remembers) and found myself in the thick of 0.0 pvp. I wasn't super hardcore about it but I was in my share of fleet battles, and yes dayz and eve online have a lot in common. what's funny is that pvp in any other mmo feels laughable after eve online. tried to get into the old republic and it wasn't terrible.. but pvp was a joke and it always amused me when people talked about how hardcore they were on there lol.

i used to be a Space explorer like you , then i got a goon swarm to the knee

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Honestly I get what the op was going through. No other game can get your heart rate up like this one.. That said I've never disconnected even when I'm pretty sure I will die. More because it just never occurs to me to log out;I'm too caught in the moment. Up until recently my main strategy was to run away and hide like a pansy at any sign of trouble. It's served me well enough but lately I've been standing my ground more and it's ever so satisfying coming out on the winning side of an altercation. Especially if it's one I didn't start.

I try not to murder in cold blood so to speak but there have been a couple of times someone was in my way and rather than risk trouble coming back to find me' date=' I took them out. I usually feel pretty bad about it later. But those of us who know what it's like to decide to be helpful/trusting and then be rewarded with betrayal understand the dayz dynamic.

Overall my play style is really just live and let live if I can. I also sometimes impulsivelly do things like snipe zombies who were chasing another survivor.. I feel like people who hang around the coast with good gear and hunt the noobs are a sad bunch. They're free to do it of course.. It makes the game what it is. But sniping a player who just spawned in with a makarov requires absolutely no skill and bragging about it is beyond idiotic. Just my 2 cents.


If only everyone was like you... every time I run from zombies the other players shoot me and break my leg(s) and then the zombies get to me if the other player hasn't already killed me with another few shots.

yeah that sounds like the typical dayz response. i remember seeing a guy running around by the shore outside of cherno with a train of zombies.. making a huge ruckus. he sensibly ducked into a house and the zombies gathered outside. i was across the road with my cz 550 and without really thinking i started picking off the zombies outside the house. when they were all dead i said in the side chat something like hey guy in the house the zombies outside are dead, i killed them for you :)

he didnt respond but i saw him come out of the house and look down at the corpses in what i imagined to be surprise.. and then he ran off. i figured he probably just wasn't paying attention to the chat and that i wouldn't get a response but that was ok.. i just went on my way. but i do stuff like that because it feels decent to randomly help someone (especially in a game like dayz), and who knows, maybe he will pay it forward.. and down the road someone may help me randomly when im in a scrape.

its easy to be a bastard in this game. wether intentional or not, rocket was kind of a genius how he set the game up. choosing to be "good" in a world like dayz is not only unsafe, but in a lot of ways detrimental to your survival. maybe that's why it feels so rewarding when you help someone out in spite of that.

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So I have probably spent and hour and a half trying to fix this bus I found. I already fixed the body' date=' windshield, fuel, and it has 2 wheels. I only need 2 wheels. I went back to check on it and saw some guy sneaking around the bus. I freaked the fuck out. Instead of just running at him and blazing him with my Kobra (what I should have done....), I hid in the grass looking at him. He started running towards my direction (still unaware of me). My heart was beating fast like crazy and I shot at him. He ran around a house. I was about to die of fear. I'm not good in firefights. I start sneaking ariund and I see him running straight towards me. I get so scared I turn off my PC. I have never done that before.... I was so fucking scared. I spemt so long getting my equipment, fixing the bus, and even running to that town (way up north). I wasnt going to take my chance in dying. I know im a pussy but that's not what concerns me. I had to get off anyways because my brother needed to get on, so I probably wont be able to get on until tomorrow at noon. I HOPE ITS NOT GONE! Be needs 2 wheels, and I already like checked the whole town.. If someone fixes the car and leaves next time im gone.....i'm gonna punch myself so hard in the nuts.


Don't worry about it man ....just punch yerself in the nuts for good measure and move on. DC'ing is like bad haircuts ....we've all been there but nobody is goin to break out the photos....

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Love hearing bandits complain about people disconnecting, after they've made gigantic posts about how banditry shouldn't be punished just cause someone else doesn't like it.

Bandit logic: "Might makes right. If you can get away with it, you should do it... unless I don't like it, then it's cheap and should be banned."

Oh and op, I think my buddy may have taken your bus, sorry dude.

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I found another car :D . A UAZ or whatever. Except everything about it needs fixing, so it's gonna take a while.

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