citizen_erased 9 Posted September 3, 2012 It was dark.I was dying."I'll be there in a few minutes man, HOLD ON" crackled though the speakers on my Macbook as the rain was beating down on me. I had lost a lot of blood in Elektro. I was stupid to go in alone during the day, but I had done it before and I was confident that I could do it again. Until that one lone crawler found me and forced my hand. Right mouse raised my Enfield and a click on the left button ended the crawler, but it alerted every zombie close to me.So I ran into the grocery store, closing doors as I moved and I waited in the corner for the oncoming onslaught clenching my Enfield. Four magazines, more than enough.Then they came, glitching through the doors one by one.I sat in the corner, waiting for the right moment, my heart racing, my finger resting on the trigger waiting for my window of opportunity.The first zombie rounded the shelf, I saw his decayed slack-jawed face with those dead eyes staring at me wanting to tear me apart. The shot from my Enfield rang out in the store, deafening me as I cocked the bolt back, then ramming home the next bullet right as the second zombie came shambling out from behind the counter. Another well-placed shot to the chest took care of that unfortunate fool. A few more stragglers glitched in through the front door looking for the latest issue of Cosmo.No Cosmo, only a bullet to the head.Things started to heat up and I needed to get out of there and fast. I quickly considered my options: front door, right out into the heart of Elektro, or the back door and sprint through the fields. I stood up, what's the point of hiding now I thought as I ran for the back door where an undead was waiting for me.I raised my Enfield as he brought his fists down on me, knocking my aim off and forcing me to aim again. Another hit, I'm bleeding now, but this time I managed to pull the trigger and end his glitching spree. I run though the back door, and out into the fields where the undead who before were content to meander about the fields are now gunning for me. The gunshots, coupled with my sprinting draws the attention of every brain chomper in the immediate vicinity.So I take off heading west out that godforsaken city, bleeding, with about 12 zombies in tow. I'm loosing a lot of blood and the zombies aren't helping, so when I get a moment I turn around, raise my trusty Enfield and start to pick off my pursuers. Once I dispatched my tormentors, I bandage myself and see that I have about 5,000 blood left.Great.I ran until I hit the coast, and some weird place called Cap I don't remember the rest, but it had a gas station. I needed help and fast, so I looked for help on the Day Z forums. Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, sounds like a good group I thought as I filled out the required forms for forums.Hopefully these guys can give me a transfusion and some food, I thought as I posted my location and status. Now it was a matter of time. I didn't think I would survive that long, sure I had enough bullets but bullets will only get you so far, then hunger or dehydration will take you. I waited what felt like an eternity, when OGSweg posted on my thread. "You still there? I'm in the server now." he said.My prayers had been answered. I signed back in and waited his arrival, shacked up in the gas station of that podunk hole in the wall. Zombies were all over the place, but I held my position, scanning the fields for signs of his arrival from the north. 20 minutes felt like an eternity in that gas station, I couldn't take the sounds of zombies shambling past my location and to be honest, it was a little unnerving. I relocated to the north and there I waited and waited.Then hunger started to set in. "I'm about 700 meters from your postion." I told him to take the road, and to watch for me as I began my run up the road praying I didn't get picked off. Half a mile up the road, I saw a lone figure in a ghille suit, holding an M4, confirmation showed it was OGSweg, my savior.He fixed me up, gave me blood, gave me his weapon and other survival gear. I wouldn't be telling you this story if he hadn't shown up. Thanks OG. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
- Valkyrie - 89 Posted September 3, 2012 Great stuff. This has to happen more often. Beans to OGSweg! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted September 3, 2012 One small can of beans for OP, One giant can of beans of the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted September 3, 2012 Beans. More being deserved than can be given. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghork 1 Posted September 3, 2012 I will run out of beans if i just give them to all these people :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
citizen_erased 9 Posted September 4, 2012 I will run out of beans if i just give them to all these people :/Beans are delicious though, and sharing is caring. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites