US2942 6 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) All events transpired on US 2942For ease of addition. (Just add these codes to your server's ban.txt)ADD GUID HERE (AT BOTTOM):******************************************************ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7a3f0b7844c6082d3f9f7fc3049612706df8ce6feb9ec9869be8661e1dd77bc749ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7aa7c1c2906dad44bba074786c95863ae40d1cd20f7fb982bbd406575ebdb19b13fbb3662d50894f32cfe5573e75b55ff2896d15fdc7f5568318494d490142d35885f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89ADD LOG EVIDENCE HERE (AT BOTTOM):******************************************************GUID(s) affected: ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7aLog excerpt(s):31.08.2012 13:25:08: toytulsassff ( ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7a - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"31.08.2012 13:25:08: toytulsassff ( ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7a - #8 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"Additional Info: invisibility******************************************************GUID(s) affected: 3f0b7844c6082d3f9f7fc3049612706dLog excerpt(s):30.08.2012 15:53:54: [soS]Nathanc9 ( 3f0b7844c6082d3f9f7fc3049612706d - #0 "if (name player == "[soS]XWSAW") then { player setpos mypos;player setVariable["lastPos",0, true];};"30.08.2012 15:53:54: [soS]Nathanc9 ( 3f0b7844c6082d3f9f7fc3049612706d - #9 "if (name player == "[soS]XWSAW") then { player setpos mypos;player setVariable["lastPos",0, true];};"Additional Info: [soS]XWSAW joins game and tries spawning vehicle. His clan mate, [soS]Nathanc9, begins to teleport.******************************************************GUID(s) affected: f8ce6feb9ec9869be8661e1dd77bc749Log excerpt(s):30.08.2012 15:47:24:[soS]XWSAW ( f8ce6feb9ec9869be8661e1dd77bc749 - #0 "if (isServer) then {_object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [13312.1, 3240.56, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 2702.15, true];dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];_uid = _object call dayz_objec"30.08.2012 15:47:24: [soS]XWSAW ( f8ce6feb9ec9869be8661e1dd77bc749 - #1 "12.1, 3240.56, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 2702.15, true];dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];_uid = _object call dayz_objectUID;_object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true];_object s"Additional Info: Tried to spawn vehicle. Then his clan mate joined and tried to teleport to him later on.******************************************************GUID(s) affected: ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7aLog excerpt(s):31.08.2012 13:25:08: toytulsassff ( ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7a - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"31.08.2012 13:25:08: toytulsassff ( ff6840a8e6d51bc4774da09925a69f7a - #8 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"Additional Info: invisibility******************************************************GUID(s) affected: a7c1c2906dad44bba074786c95863ae4Log excerpt(s):01.09.2012 14:30:35: ArC ( a7c1c2906dad44bba074786c95863ae4 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"01.09.2012 14:30:35: ArC ( a7c1c2906dad44bba074786c95863ae4 - #8 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"Additional Info: invisibility******************************************************GUID(s) affected: 0d1cd20f7fb982bbd406575ebdb19b13Log excerpt(s):30.08.2012 15:53:15: Koup ( 0d1cd20f7fb982bbd406575ebdb19b13 - #0 "if (name player == "(PLAYERNAMEHERE)") then { player setpos mypos;player setVariable["lastPos",0, true];};"30.08.2012 15:53:15: Koup ( 0d1cd20f7fb982bbd406575ebdb19b13 - #9 "if (name player == "(PLAYERNAMEHERE)") then { player setpos mypos;player setVariable["lastPos",0, true];};"Additional Info: teleport******************************************************GUID(s) affected: fbb3662d50894f32cfe5573e75b55ff2Log excerpt(s):31.08.2012 15:11:09: Don't shoot! ( fbb3662d50894f32cfe5573e75b55ff2 - #0 "curPlayer allowDamage false;"31.08.2012 15:11:09: Don't shoot! ( fbb3662d50894f32cfe5573e75b55ff2 - #8 "curPlayer allowDamage false;"Additional Info: invincible******************************************************GUID(s) affected: 896d15fdc7f5568318494d490142d358Log excerpt(s):29.08.2012 18:53:08: BlastingZebra ( 896d15fdc7f5568318494d490142d358 - #20 "er",0,4000,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;_veh = createVehicle ["UH1Wreck_DZ",_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_veh set"29.08.2012 18:53:08: BlastingZebra ( 896d15fdc7f5568318494d490142d358 - #27 "\addons\dayz_code\compile\server_playerMorph.sqf"; onPlayerDisconnected "[_uid,_name] call server_onPlayerDisconnect;";Additional Info: create vehicle / LONG list of infractions******************************************************GUID(s) affected: 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89Log excerpt(s):01.09.2012 14:38:07: Adam ( 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89 - #20 "_class = 'BearTrap_DZ' createVehicle position vehicle player;_class attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0]];01.09.2012 14:38:07: Adam ( 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89 - #11 "'BearTrap_DZ' createVehicle position vehicle player;_class attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0]];01.09.2012 14:38:07: Adam ( 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89 - #121 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"01.09.2012 14:38:07: Adam ( 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89 - #2 ",0,0]];01.09.2012 14:38:07: Adam ( 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89 - #121 "_whatIsThis = compile fap_fnExec; call _whatIsThis;sleep 2;"01.09.2012 14:38:07: Adam ( 85f7c79c8c2fc16ecd4e2cec8f7e9f89 - #122 "_whatIsThis = compile fap_fnExec; call _whatIsThis;Additional Info: create vehicle / LONG list of infractions*******************************************************added server and fixed layout and trimmed data Edited September 3, 2012 by US2942 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khyron_UN 14 Posted September 3, 2012 good job... added :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) I have seen this guy around a bit [soS]XWSAW , i will not be playing on those servers that show any of the SoS guys anymore then. edit: Nice work :) Edited September 3, 2012 by Hetstaine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
US2942 6 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) I have seen this guy around a bit [soS]XWSAW , i will not be playing on those servers that show any of the SoS guys anymore then.edit: Nice work :)Those guys were the worst. Pathetic. *spits on the ground*Always, always keep an eye on clan members who join your servers. I can honestly say, by statistical numbers, that 70% of clan members who join your server will cheat in some manner (even as small as duping backpack and sniper only). I will have no new log entries for hours, then a few random clan members join and 2/3 of my logs start lighting up. Always watch them closer.Sorry if it's a bit messy. I had to compile this list from 3 different websites. I will start making it more aesthetically pleasing now that everything is in one text file.Add these assholes and let's keep working toward a more liberated dayz!*added quote and created more organized layout Edited September 3, 2012 by US2942 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites