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Wolf Armouries - Private Hive

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Welcome To Wolf Armouries!

I'm currently playing on a private hive, it's the reason the store has been less active this weekend. If you want to join the AFDT Hosted server [click here]

Some information about the server, quoted from the website:

DayZ - PDR#1 [Private](v1.7.2.5/Beta 96061)[VET][All OFF] Hosted by AFDT.co.uk


Port: 2302

Server is [Veteran] With:

Waypoints = 0

3rd person = 0

Nametags = 0

Armour = 0

Tracers = 0

Death messages = 0

The number of vehicles has been increased to 42 per game, this includes 3 hueys randomly placed.

High quality loot has been reduced in spawn rate.

AS50 ammo will no longer be spawned.

The server is currently sitting on VPS (Virtual private server) with the following spec:

  • 3 physical Cores (6 threads)
  • 5 gb
  • 100mb/100mb line

This spec is more than sufficient to a run DayZ 40-50 person server. And will be updated and new servers added as required. The server is located in a data centre in Leeds, UK. Ping time from around the UK vary from between 20-60ms.

The server runs a Bliss private hive with Crosire command console.

Crosire command console

Bliss Private Hive

VPS Hire

The rules of the server are:

PDR Server runs a 3 strike then out system.

  • Joining without authorisation = 3 strikes
  • Scripting = 3 strikes
  • Inventory editing on spawn = 3 strikes
  • Excessive duping = 3 strikes
  • Duping = 1 strike
  • Exploitation of known glitch = 1 strike
  • Combat logging = 1 strike

WE CAN SEE YOU! Unlike official servers. The crosier control centre installed on the server gives us administrators full access to where you are, where you’ve been, how many vehicles there are, and what you’ve got in your inventory. This gives us the power to immediate spot the guy transporting around the map, or spawning AS50’s on the hill above cherno, or restoring is health to full using a glitch with only one can of beans!

Thus far, the server has been brilliant. I've been on it at late night and when it's been more active with around 20 players in-game. The server is UK based, I have had no lag thus far and quite a few interactions with other players. Most seem to be relatively friendly but it'd be boring without those murderers, bandits and scuzzballs. It's safe against dupers and hackers and with extra vehicles? Join it.

PM @ foxdie_01 if you have any inquiries.

Edited by FishIsTwonk

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Sounds good. But 3 strikes for scripting? Owait I can't read.

Edited by sostronk

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You have over five hundred posts Fish, you should know better than to post this in General.

Moved to Private Hive Discussion.

Edited by Max Planck

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Apologies, I was going for an advertisement.

I shall PM you shortly, things are going awry on my threads again.

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