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i need group

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iam looking for group of people to play on dayz i am skilled player i know what iam doing i am great sniper if u would liek ot strat group with me add me on skype name is fedonee c:

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can you speak english ?

He just wrote in english, I think he can talk in english xD

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i can speak english iam form australia i can join us servers iam 17 18 next year

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iam looking for group of people to play on dayz i am skilled player i know what iam doing i am great sniper if u would liek ot strat group with me add me on skype name is fedonee i do speak english iam 17 i know what iam oding i have as50 and all the good stuff atm i need some one trust worthy who know how and what to do no noobs

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Edited by Max Planck

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iam looking for group of people to play on dayz i am skilled player i know what iam doing i am great sniper if u would liek ot strat group with me add me on skype name is fedonee iam 17 iam i speak english i need peopel who know what they are doing and whont do any thing stupid add my skype witch is listed above ^ thanks

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iam looking for group of people to play on dayz i am skilled player i know what iam doing i am great sniper if u would liek ot strat group with me add me on skype name is fedonee iam 17 iam i speak english i need peopel who know what they are doing and whont do any thing stupid add my skype witch is listed above ^ thanks

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skype: fedonee

add me if u can group up i am friendly i liek to help other out ps. iam very good aimer so if u shoot me i will shoot back

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if any news players want help or want o group up with me add my skype fedonee

[user warned, 3 days PPS. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
It's Spamtastic!

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but are you good are you a good sniper we need a sniper that can shoot good because a sniper needs to shoot good and can you speak english good because we mostly try to speak english also we speak latin and ancient greek but no roman numerals cus they're too hard to use for the game plus we are 17 but sometimez we are 12 too also we need a sniper that know what to do when we need a sniper not need a noob sniper shotter must be pro good at shooting and we have gear too mostly empty canteens and pepsis and a few crowbars add me on skype: lilhotdog4urmouth kk gg ty please

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