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awsome idea for finished game

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so i'm excited about the full release of this cool game whenever it comes, yeh so i know i havent played the beta but i watch all the sniper vids on youtube so i think i know what im talking about before you say i dont ok.

what i think will make dayz take lots of sales away from cod is an awsome idea my friend and me had, even cod or bf3 dont have this feature we came up with.

as i said way back at the start i watch lots of montage vids, everybody does when they want to see if a game is cool or not, to see if its worth buying or better than cod.

i dont play cod but i dont hate it let me just get that said.

dayz should have a built-in montage maker, something like when you get a kill the game automaticaly stores the clip starting from maybe 10 seconds before you get the kill and runs til about 10 seconds after the kill, and then you get to chose the music you want over the top of the clips or if you want to record your voice over it to tell people what rifle you used.

likw i say cod or bf3 havent thought of this yet, it would bring millions of sales and make dayz into a real challenger for best fps on the market because we all know sales are the bottom line and the king of sales is cod no argument.

so what do you think about a built in montage film maker even maybe with a direct upload option for youtube.

good sniper montages would make millions of sales for dayz and even make the person making the montage famous if they are great at it liek seananners.

let me know if you think it is a great feature we can get dayz to make it a prioritry.

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Well, i dont want CoD or BF3 players playing this game so thumbs down mate ;)

Theres enough of thoose 12 year olds KoS, griefing new spawns, complaning about starting gear not beeing gille, as50, coyote backpack and so on, i dont want more of these kind of people :)


And its is NOT and FPS, it spawned out of a sim, and id say its still close to a combat sim fps :)

de_dust is calling for you mate! ;)

Edited by rolemodel
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It really surprises me that nvidia and ati haven't added hardware support on their cards for game recording. I'm sure it will come at some point but really they are so slow to capitalise on this

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so you are saying you dont want dayz to be the best game in the world?

it will make no money if it cant get players from cod or bf3.

it is a fps becasue it has guns and you are in first person vew which makes it a fps.

what is de dust?

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It really surprises me that nvidia and ati haven't added hardware support on their cards for game recording. I'm sure it will come at some point but really they are so slow to capitalise on this

awsome already someone agress a montage maker is what the game needs to take on cod and the cod kids.

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DO YOUR RESEARCH, cod has this feature except it records a whole match instead and it's a load of crap feature cause then all these crap players would be footage on and youtube would be full of %&*^ and it would all be the same

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Beeing able to record videos of sniping people make the game the best in the world? OK

I thought the gameplay, experience, contetnt defined what was a good game ;)

it is a fps becasue it has guns and you are in first person vew which makes it a fps.

touché ; )

I think im getting out of this discussion, hahaha

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Not sure if retarded.... or just trolling.....or both?

Most likely. *nods*

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Well I don't really think dayz needs to take on any other franchises, hopefully it will carve its own niche so to speak, CoD and battlefield are totally different types of games to dayz and arma. I haven't played cod since cod 2, but I don't dislike the game or its players.

I do play Battlefield however and always will probably.

I should think that most of dayz players got the game after seeing video on youtube already which would have been recorded in fraps or dxtory or whatever, I'm just pointing out that nvidia or ati should get their acts together and add oncard support so gamers can record their play without needing third party or in-game support

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I'll have to assume this is a trolling attempt, if not you can repost in the correct forum.


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