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Derp Dayz (Private, - 96548, Whitelist)

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The server is legit, I've been playing on it for a few weeks now. No hackers that I've encountered, and Guidez is always willing to listen to the community on the forums regarding possible changes (day night cycle, etc). Five bones is money well spent IMO to avoid another night wasted due to some hacker doing his thing because daddy didn't love him. Come join us!

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Updated first post to more recent information

Edited by Guidez

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Thanks to you, I'm done with this game. I hope other people read this and think twice. You messed up bad. Pay for it.

LOL make sure to put your nappy back on before you go back to COD or something.

And for those curious about the actual server and not this crybaby, I play from Australia on an Adsl line that is almost 6km from the exchange and have had nothing but good performance and no red-links with 300-400ms for about a week now, also I have reported suspicious activities twice now by email to Guidez and hackers have been caught and banned outright within 15 minutes of the emails with little to no damage caused.

He has my beanz, and mountain dew! :D

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I have been on this server since almost day 1 (over a month now I think) and I can honestly say it is the most fun I have had playing this game in a long time.

The support from guidez is awesome, keeping it all fair and running smoothly, the community is great, it is very well organised and the connection is great, I play from the UK and average about 150 ping, but there is literally no lag.

Also there is a variety of players, some friendly, some openly hostile, some cautious (only attack if they get shot at) etc which makes for some awesome situations.

For $5 I would say it is certainly worth it.

At least until the standalone comes out, even then if Guidez hosts a server I will most likely sign up for it.

-Dan Gleeballs

Edited by Fooz

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$5 for 2 servers, custom vehicles, no hackers/cheaters, dedicated forums, dedicated and active admin who streams on the server, many other players who record vids for youtube on the server, and new things are being tested/added all the time. Clans who mainly PvE, clans who do both, and clans who focus on PvP, take your pick. Teamspeak server... There's no reason to play public anymore, unless you hack.

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