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Derp Dayz (Private, - 96548, Whitelist)

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This Bad Boy Scout is moaning about nothing, you could see on the leaderboards that he had crashed the heli, he had already died, what the admin did was fine, it didn't give away location or anything, this guy is just mad for some reason

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"I promptly apologized once I realized that he did not find it funny."

So from that, it's perfectly OK to tell the rest of the server what another player has got up to, unless the player doesn't find it funny?

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So what, this isn't Admin abuse? I've suffered alot of admin abuse on DayZ, but I've never payed for it before. You apologized? Well done you.

Please do not imply that you have lost something when in fact nothing has been lost. As promised by the server rules, you have already been refunded your payment. In fact, as I have told your friend, I feel like crap for for having caused the misunderstanding. No-way I put it can alter that I was the root of the misunderstanding, but it was a misunderstanding in it's entirety, and thus I am at fault. In this particular case, if the 7 day refund period had expired, I would have refunded the amount anyways do to my cause of the issue.

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So, I'm definately interested.. I just have a few questions.

1. How many people do you have signed up/playing?

2. What do you have your max ping set at? I live in the US.. but due to where I'm located, my internet can tend to jump on occasion (it's done by radio signal.. I live on a ranch, so fiber optic/cable isn't an option out here) anywhere from 40 ms up to 300/400. Not that it's is an issue, but I'd be disappointed to get kicked constantly. Most servers set their limits to like 120.. which I just can't always maintain.

3. Any risk of all 50 slots being filled and not allowing access?

Edited by Pale Ryder

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So far, maxing out slots is very low. We are averaging 10 players on at a time currently, with around 50+ signed up. No max ping is set, and there is one guy who plays fine with no issues at 280+ ping.

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guidez i would like to play, how do i contact you please tell me youve got a teamspeak? im a very experienced player and id like to get some clan wars or something exciting like that going :D

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you neeeed a teamspeakkk i hate playing servers where i cant group up with people. maybe merge with another teamspeak or something until you can get your own?

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I ROFL'ed SO HARD when I read Bad Boy Scout's post! No one cares! If I crashed a heli, I would ROFL so hard & tell everyone! He is worked up over nothing. Probably a 12 year old brat who does nothing but play this game.

People, listen to meh. I wasn't sure if I wanted to pay to play at first, but when I played Minecraft, I played on a pay to play server. Best choice ever. This server was the same deal. I will never move to another server EVER. I may play on pub servers, but this is the BEST. I recommend this to EVERYONE.

In regards to the hate, this server does not threaten you. In regards once again to Bad Boy Scout, he apologized for your lack of humor, gave you a full refund (which he didn't even have to do,) & if you quit the game, that is your own fault for anger management issues. Server is GREAT.

- Daffy

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Glad to see the community is taking steps to provide a fun place to play, as it has all but evaporated on the public servers. Good luck to you matey!

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Thanks Biosemtex! The server is pretty much all community run, both from an administration and funding view. People put to vote what they want and how they want it, and I implement it. The only administration I put in place on the server is for maintenance, hackers, and ridiculous requests (no, we will NOT have 10 hueys XD).

We did pass a vote to replace all the Small Boats with PBX's though, ;)

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A few things:

1) Server is not allowing me to login. This is most likely due to the recent DayZ update and BattlEye update. I'm just bringing it up.

2) This server could really use it's own "channel" of communication. I'm not sure if that means a forum, or something like it. I think it would be best not to limit it to only TeamSpeak. At the very least maybe utilize your current web space.

3) I sincerely hope you're thinking about changing the day/night cycle that is currently in-place, and by that I mean adding night in there? There is a game dynamic that is totally lost without it. While I love being able to see on a consistent basis, it's simply not DayZ without night time.

I know I am missing more things that I wanted to bring up, but I will add more later.

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Hey VolkaV, we'll have our own forums up soon, just been busy whitelisting people and trying to get some sleep. As to the logging in thing, make sure to watch the video at the success screen ( http://theguidez.com/success ). If you don't use Dayz Commander, you have to make sure that you are running ARMA 2 Beta 96015, not a version below or above, has to be exactly 96015. DayZ version as well. Let me know if you still have issues.

Once we get the forums up, we will have a vote on the day/night cycle. Since it is a community run server, it will be up to voting by the entire community as to what goes/stays/changes. I agree with you though, I thought 24x7 day would be nice, but I am getting bored with it myself ;)

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I think you misunderstand? I have been playing here for a few days now. The issue I was having with logging in was a BattlEye client error, which is still happening randomly. I was able to get in just a little while ago, but I was teleported to the coast and I had literally nothing on me anymore. I'm not sure what the deal is but you may want to login and see if there is something wrong? Possible need to roll the server back?

Also, I notice there is nobody else on either.

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Night definately needs to be in the game. Its a core aspect of the game which adds stealth and a purpose to one of the rarest items, the nvgs.night is the time to loot and gives people a better chance at not being sniped due to only having 1 night vision compatible sniper. An for those reasons i vote on a 24x7 day night cycle. It just adds 2 different aspects to the game. If not 24x7 then make day 6h night 6h. It was my understanding that we already had that type of cycle but i guess not?

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I think you misunderstand? I have been playing here for a few days now. The issue I was having with logging in was a BattlEye client error, which is still happening randomly. I was able to get in just a little while ago, but I was teleported to the coast and I had literally nothing on me anymore. I'm not sure what the deal is but you may want to login and see if there is something wrong? Possible need to roll the server back?

Also, I notice there is nobody else on either.

There are a couple of people who have that issue with battleeye, but I don't quite know why. Try maybe re-installing battleeye or maybe even arma 2 itself. Don't know if your ping could be an issue, but I and most other users do not experience the battleeye issue.

As to the coast coast with no items issue, I think I heard that might be a DayZ issue with I'll have to poke around. If it's an issue with the private hive itself, there is no much I can do. The same goes for camo/ghillie suits losing packs and what not: DayZ issue, nothing I can fix.

We have around 60+ people currently whitelisted, which is a relatively small number when you really think about it, hence why there can be an average of 10 players but sometimes none. Dead periods are usually school/work time US with UK being around really late at night, to UK school/work time with US being really late night. People playing during dead periods are either at home from school/work or are up really really late.

Grapist, it was talked about but no firm decisions yet.

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Oh, and I will usually get around to whitelisting people with 24 hours. If I am online at the time or working from home (I do have a day-job), I get back relatively quickly, but otherwise I typically get to whitelisting people around 9-11 PM Eastern Time (GMT -5)

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Guidez, your the man haha btw im just putting a +1 on the vote for night time for the reasons i explained not saying "MAKE NIGHT TIME YOU SOB" if it came across that way xD btw really loving the server i am and will recomend it to anyone and everyone, for 5 dollars you can buy a mcdonalds lunch...or play hack free on a fun community for months to come <3

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Server's been doing great! Just hit 85 players whitelisted, and we now have our own forums. Additionally, clans get their own private forum to coordinate events/camps/etc

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