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Dear Snipers who interrupted our Trade.

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So, earlier I PM'ed a guy about trading my AS50 for his SVD.

We decided we would meet in the power station of Elecktro and exchange weapons with no problems there.

He seemed cool, and said he has never had an AS50 before, and hasn't really had a lot of good gear, so I decided I would give him my NVG's and Rangefnder as well.

We started to get overrun by zed in the Firehouse so we climbed the ladder to the roof. He put the SVD in my pack, and I put all the goodies in his pack.

Then, we both got downed at the same time by simultaneous AS50 rounds to the head. I'm not really sure if they were just in the right place at the right time, or somehow they caught wind of our trade, but I don't think I was set up. They guy was pretty upset and thought I had set him up, even though I didn't at all. So, I got onto my second account (I have a bandit account and a trading/hero account) and it just so happens my AS50 bandit was on the hill to the West of Elecktro Hill! I watch my body as I spawned in Elecktro with my other account. I watched 2 Ghille Suited characters run down from the hill to loot our bodies (unaware of my 2nd account watching) And I shot both of them as they checked my gear, 2 solid shots, 2 solid kills. I then hopped on my other account and ran to the power station, still dodging shots from the 3rd sniper. I then alt+tabbed back to my Bandit and shot relentlessly with my M4 into the hill where I thought he was to gather his attention, and then logged out. I then alt+tabbed a final time into my other character, climbed the ladder, and sprinted to my body and snatched the backpack with the package! (SVD CAMO), noticing I haven't been shot yet, I went to the 2 ghille'd bodies and hid them both, and a final shot flew by my characters head just before I got out of line of sight of the sniper down the ladder. That's what happens to Bandits who camp Elektro hill and shoot fresh spawns! Take it! And I got my SVD Camo too! I'm gonna contact this guy and give him his AS50 tomorrow, he got off when he died :[

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So unfair you had two accounts :P

Next time try not to do trades inside of Electro ;)

*I'm not one of them snipers btw,

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They weren't shooting unarmed players. One guy had an AS50 the other had an SVD....

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They weren't shooting unarmed players. One guy had an AS50 the other had an SVD....

We had them in our packs, we had no primary weapons out that they could see.

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We had them in our packs, we had no primary weapons out that they could see.

What would 2 unarmed people be doing on top of a firehouse....?

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It's your own damn fault for thinking it'd be smart to get on the roof of the firehouse in Elektro. Honestly sounds like you got what you deserved and the fact that you used your second account to get camp your body is more of a dick move than what those snipers did.

Edited by LightbulbGuy
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It's your own damn fault for thinking it'd be smart to get on the roof of the firehouse in Elektro. Honestly sounds like you got what you deserved and the fact that you used your second account to get camp your body is more of a dick move than what those snipers did.

It had 5 players on the server man haha, no need to get all hostile on me, yea it was stupid being up there, but the chance that all 3 were there was insanely low, i forgot to mention that in the post I suppose, but what would you have done? I think I acted accordingly, and it's not like I placed my 2nd account there purposefully, I hopped on that account and was like in skype literally "Holy shit I'm in elektro!" It was very lucky, and that sheer luck and bad-luck was the point of this post.

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It had 5 players on the server man haha, no need to get all hostile on me, yea it was stupid being up there, but the chance that all 3 were there was insanely low, i forgot to mention that in the post I suppose, but what would you have done? I think I acted accordingly, and it's not like I placed my 2nd account there purposefully, I hopped on that account and was like in skype literally "Holy shit I'm in elektro!" It was very lucky, and that sheer luck and bad-luck was the point of this post.

So you got more loot than before...?

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I don't understand the question, what do you mean?

Did you loot the Bandit snipers before hiding their bodies?

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why would you even trade in elecktro? why not head abit more north?? and why do it on top of one of the most used places in the city? this had dumb written allover it.

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Did you loot the Bandit snipers before hiding their bodies?

no I didn't I could tell easily they all had AS50's when they shot, and I didn't really want another of those, and if you understood how much I have a huge BONER for the SVD, you would know that I was not wasting time when I was up there, but I wanted some sort of revenge lol. Twas why I did not loot the bodies.

Edited by Lockdown127

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yeah elektro was a terrible idea. any city for that matter is a bad idea. why would you go to a hot spot when trying to trade.

You went to the highest hotspot in the game

1. Elektro

2. Cherno


4. Stary

5. Berezino

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hm sounds like you had your bandit account out the whole time and found a way to get the gun you wanted and make yourself still look like a good guy in the process,,, snipe him with your bandit then your hero/trader at the same time since you just so happened to be in a spot to see the roof of the firehouse that you set the trade up on... but im a sceptic

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yeah elektro was a terrible idea. any city for that matter is a bad idea. why would you go to a hot spot when trying to trade.

You went to the highest hotspot in the game

1. Elektro

2. Cherno


4. Stary

5. Berezino

I'm aware of where we were, I've been playing the game for a while now, trust me, I'm not stupid, it was a mistake going up there, but I didn't expect any of the 3 others to be there, it was a stupid mistake, but hey, at least it turned out alright after a handful of tense moments and a sprinkle of luck.

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yeah elektro was a terrible idea. any city for that matter is a bad idea. why would you go to a hot spot when trying to trade.

You went to the highest hotspot in the game

1. Elektro

2. Cherno


4. Stary

5. Berezino

I never find anyone in Elektro when I play. On the other hand, literally every time I've gone into NWAF to loot, I'll start on the Hangars side, and go up to the ATC tower, getting all hangars on the way. When i reach the Industrial parts, a chopper happens to fly in, and I get mowed down. Every. Single. Time.

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I'm aware of where we were, I've been playing the game for a while now, trust me, I'm not stupid, it was a mistake going up there, but I didn't expect any of the 3 others to be there, it was a stupid mistake, but hey, at least it turned out alright after a handful of tense moments and a sprinkle of luck.

By the way, do you have a home server?

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hm sounds like you had your bandit account out the whole time and found a way to get the gun you wanted and make yourself still look like a good guy in the process,,, snipe him with your bandit then your hero/trader at the same time since you just so happened to be in a spot to see the roof of the firehouse that you set the trade up on... but im a sceptic

That's exactly what I expected to get from the forums haha, that would be a pretty easy thing to believe, but if you played with me long enough, you'd realize i'd never be low enough to do that ever haha.

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We decided we would meet in the power station of Elecktro and exchange...

Then, we both got downed at the same time...

Surprise Factor: 0

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Yes actually, tis the one we were playing on. It loads in fast and my friend owns it, so we chill there mostly.

Could you PM me info or something? I do like a small-pop server...

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We decided we would meet in the power station of Elecktro and exchange weapons with no problems there.

He seemed cool, and said he has never had an AS50 before, and hasn't really had a lot of good gear, so I decided I would give him my NVG's and Rangefnder as well.

We started to get overrun by zed in the Firehouse so we climbed the ladder to the roof.


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