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Favorite Pvp areas

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Not cherno/electro. Mine used to be stary, but haven't seen any action in a minute.

From what I've seen........ BEREZINO !!!!!!! The only town with a hospital up north. You get some great fights up that way and very very few low geared players.

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My favorite PvP area hands down has to be Dobry hill in Electro. I'll setup there behind the hill with an enfield + ghillie and wait for snipers to setup and start shooting. Then I sneak up behind them, pop them in one shot, loot their bodies and hide the rest! I used to go to Cherno a lot, but there's so many morons that sit on Dobry it makes my job a lot easier.

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my favorite places to pvp are random spots on the map where i find and end up stalking players in the middle of nowhere. it's usually to be expected when you find warm bodies in any town or landmark, but i get a special kind of thrill when i come across somebody in the forest and follow them for half an hour before landing a bullet in their skulls.

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It use to be cherno and electro for me but now I always see people getting killed and i dont hear any gunshots in any of these cities.

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I'm scared of everyone these days. Have a heart attack when I see another player. I guess getting a car and 2 tents makes you set up a camp in the middle of nowhere and makes you go feral.

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I'm scared of everyone these days. Have a heart attack when I see another player. I guess getting a car and 2 tents makes you set up a camp in the middle of nowhere and makes you go feral.

No it makes you a hermit. And hermits are magical. what manner of sorcery did you use to make tents hold there contents great shaman?

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would you like one of my tents? they are pretty much empty these days since some scrotum decided to steal my irrational deposit of DMRs.

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If you want to play with the options to own vehicles and bases for longer than four hours and are willing to part with your towel(bandit), or your new reeboks (hero), then you can infact have the option to save tents and vehicles in While there aren't many servers with that version, it is completely base safe atleast for the next 4-5 days then hopefully along with the Attack Dogs, they will have also given a fuck about base potential.

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would you like one of my tents? they are pretty much empty these days since some scrotum decided to steal my irrational deposit of DMRs.

you could tell me what server you're on. And tone down the win in your next post. This is a family thread.

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