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DayZNamalsk Fight or Flight US East (v1.7.3/Beta 97771) |3DP:On|CH:On|NT:Off|Save/25Vehicles|

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you mean someone stole my car? :o but whatever, i will find another one :rolleyes:

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Yea someone found your car and took it would be my assumption

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For anyone thats interested. The admins camp is located up in that far NE island. Just a little east of Villa Gomez. Go get yourself some free loot!

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Just FYI I don't have a camp. I barely even get to play the game dealing with most of the admin shit. If you could not be a ****************** and post other players shit in here I would really appreciate it though and I am sure the players who make camps would appreciate it as well. If shit like this becomes a problem I will delete this thread and only use my personal forum. Don't be a tool.

Edited by Fraggle

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As annoying as it may be, 'meta gaming' is allowed. That includes posting where people hide their extra beans and such.

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That's pretty stupid since I am pretty sure Day Z was going for realistic and you realistically wouldn't have a forum full of people telling where loot is if the world ended. I am pretty sure if the world ends there will be no more interwebz.

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Just FYI I don't have a camp. I barely even get to play the game dealing with most of the admin shit. If you could not be a little bitch and post other players shit in here I would really appreciate it though and I am sure the players who make camps would appreciate it as well. If shit like this becomes a problem I will delete this thread and only use my personal forum. Don't be a tool.

You can try and deny that its not you and your groups camp all you want, but everyone on the server already knows thats its yours and its location. This is for everyone else on the forums who wants to come and get some free loot.

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For the last time I don't have a camp, go ahead you and your moron friends raid it. I don't care in the least. I was just trying to help other players out. I don't know why everyone thinks that just because there is a camp it is the admin camp and for that matter that if I was my camp I could just move it. What you don't seem to understand is I spend 90% of my game time in the lobby. But I am done explaining myself to some 12 year old on the forums who just wants to ruin the game for other players.

Edited by Jvo

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Server is going down to receive a upgrade to as well as to fix a few other things. Should be down for 2-3 hours. Starting right around 12PM CST.

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There will likely be another hour of downtime on 9-13 around 12. To update to the latest beta patch and add some additional vehicles.

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How many heli in the server, i went to airfield last day but didnt find one :huh:

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Im introducing all of my friends and helping them how to play on this server, your server will more crowdy soon :D

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Not been able to get on the past few days, I keep getting the same error message. I've tried re-downloading the Lingor files but that hasn't worked.


Any ideas? I can get on other lingor servers just not this one and this is the one of the few I enjoy playing on.

Edited by Mesmerise

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Hey Jvo, i know asking this here is wrong but do you have any ArmA 2 CO Setup torrent? cause my torrent is broken, can't send to my friends... :(

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The server is going to be shut down and replaced by a chernarus server. I have decided to do this for several reasons including wanting a larger player base and easier resolution for glitches and problems. My server has had several problems that I have had little to no info online to resolve. I apologize for any difficulties this causes anyone but I get sick of players connecting 1 day and not being able to connect for no good reason the next and I do not have time anymore to create a manual fix for any problem that arises.

Edited by Jvo

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Its ok chernarus is good too, but i got kicked for ping too high :(, can u increase the ping limit to 400? :(

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Sorry about the downtime yesterday guys. Ping Limit is set to 400 currently.

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Hey Jvo, can i use items looted from a hacker? cause last night i looted a gps and a nightvision from a hacker, dont know if he really hack or he just got it from NW Airfield or somewhere... :|

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If you found it near stary sobor then it probably was my body. In which case your welcome to it. I mostly have people avoid anything that is obviously hacked like the thermal as50.

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The private hive will be down for a few hours today while I setup a version of bliss instead of saintly bliss. This should remove having 50 vehicles at every vehicle spawn.

Server is back up and running under Bliss Hive.

Edited by Jvo

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I can't find your server name, can you update your server ip and port to the first post?

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It is already there under the about server/internet section.

Edited by Jvo

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Is multi languages allowed? Can i use my language? My friends can't speak english well... :lol:

Edited by F4T

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