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Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

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I'm not against suggestions at all (and I don't believe I ever claimed to be). However being allowed to pose suggestions doesn't give you a carte blance to suggest anything from sensible to completely out of this world.

Considering the direction that the mod has taken according to recent E3 rumors and announcements (seperate official game engine, one central server et cetera) asking to change to an entirely new map (which offers no benefits in terms of testing features as far as I can tell) seems ... I shall call it badly thought out and let it be at that.

Just arguing that this is really out far out of the scope right now.

I also think you overestimate how long it might take to port a mission to another map in a basic working condition. A lot of work but not months.

I also don't recall mentioning months - it will take days of work mapping and balacing the loot spawns - worktime that doesn't come out in the other end as an equal reward.

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how bout add random emplacements and forts to servers in semi-random locations like helicopter crashes? Not uber loot, but suddenly the field by Mogilevka isn't that safe anymore because there's a bunker on that server specifically. It would be like every server is running a different ARMA mission.

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repairing vehicles to get to other maps, SIGN ME IN!!!!


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I see it so. We have only part of Cernarus as playable map. Just South Zagoria. Imagine IF on the engine of ArmA III we will see a complete map of Chernarus? Maybe even the environment of summer season.


Though, even then would be good if we will see some other territories.

Some time ago I thought about expanding existing map (that was with discussions about separating bandits spawning locations from good players).

And then I thought, what if to connect to the existing map of the north territory (behind Black Mountains)? Just as separate map on same server (which divides number of players between both maps).

And both maps would be connected to each other through at least two mountain pass.

Those old ideas isn't main point (the game is now gone in the other direction), but in future full game it might be useful.

Also i guess, that traveling on other maps on big aeroplane, would be also a cool feature.

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I personally HATE Takistan map...can't imagine anything more boring!

Guys don't underestimate the level of detail that went into "copying" a bit of the Czech republic for the CHernarus map. That is why it works ....it is real life...

having said that....we do have an entire Greek island to look forward to on ArmaIII...and because it is an island a believable goal: GET OFF THE ISLAND :)

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Going oldskool, it would be great to revisit the Sahrani Map of the original ARMA with DayZ. With 400 km2, that would be a large area to populate with Zombies and it has much bigger citys too.


The downside would be 50 players spread out over that terrain would reduce encounters, that and the fact that its an ARMA map.

Used to love playing it though.

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I;m not so sure we need a new map, not that I;m against that I just think that the spawning of items needs to happen in random places.

For example: all those wrecked humvees and trucks, road blocks, Random military bunkers, more open houses, dead NPC back backs, crashed aircraft, cargo para drops, wreaked armored vehicles, Trench lines and adjacent bunkers. fighting positions.

See everyone knows where the loot is and that what kind of spoils the whole thing they need to make a random loot spawning locations.

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