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Drop BattleEye

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This is a great game but hacking is out of control, maybe you need to drop BattleEye and replace with Punkbuster, it seems like they are not able or willing to do anything about the rampant hacking going on.

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BattlEye has huge banwaves. You just don't know it. BE is doing a great job. But the game is so open and hacking will be an issue with every AC

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Arma II was developed to be very trusting of its users. It's not as simple as most games because Arma II specifically allows scripting. I would assume that the standalone will have proper anti-hacking measures. Until then, just shrug the bullshit off as best you can and have fun.

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Seeing how people are resorting to stealing cdkeys it would seem that battleye is doing something.

I actually only encountered 1 hacker in last 3 days and didnt kill me. He just asked me if I wanted a ride. I still alt+f4'd since my bullets didn't do anything to him

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