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Dogs in DayZ

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Can't wait to let my feline loose. Hope it loots bodies for us and is made of steel. Will cry if my doggy dies.

Also hope it doesn't get infected like in the film "I am legend." and have to put it down myself with my bare hands! :(

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Let's hope the dog comes as an option to spawn with.. instead of actually 'finding one' that'll be really annoying since I would never find one since most players camp the spawn spots and take the things away. (e.g. Cars, Trucks, BICYCLES, ATVs)

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Lol, I'm pretty sure you'll have to find one and tame it from what I've read. I love dog's but I wonder if you can eat them in game?

Edited by Fraggle
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Lol, I'm pretty sure you'll have to find one and tame it from what I've read. I love dog's but I wonder if you can eat them in game?

Yummy, Hot dogs!

Edited by Rebel1705

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I don't think I can handle having a dog in this game. My dog getting killed would devestate me more than if I died.

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why would someone want a dog rolling with them to give away their position? Someones been watching too much I Am Legend.

So im dug in to a sniper spot and my young dog decides to do wander around, maybe run, maybe bark, maybe he has to go pee.

Is this what we are to look forward to? And tbqh, if i can't skin that useless beast for meat when im hungry, why do we have dogs again?

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I'm going to assume that when u kill someone their dog goes wild or something? That would add insult to injury stealing someones dog after you capped their ass.

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How long is the dogs' training span v's How long is an average life span? = Pretty pointless.

I will not be having a dog, I can not see the point of them. A recent video on here shows the dog as stupid (Early days eh?) It tracked a pig and couldn't kill it? I thought Apocalyptic animals might be able to feed themselves? Whistling them when they are further away? "HELLO EVERYONE, I AM HERE" Rocket stated they can't do much for now, but in future they will be able to, will that be when the standalone comes out? or when you stop supporting the mod? as both will be in alpha = pointless.

I'll wait a good year and I'll bet each will still need a lot of work

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Would be cool if you could get more than one. collect them and then use my 50 dogs as a human shield xD

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The only reason I'd have them is just to sit in front of my tent, light a camp fire, and stare at it.

But who knows, maybe it will attack zeds or something

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The only reason I'd have them is just to sit in front of my tent, light a camp fire, and stare at it.

But who knows, maybe it will attack zeds or something

or track players who have eaten something, like if we eat the drop wrappers/litter or something, and we have to go into water or in the rain to stop the tracking. just a thought.

Edited by 8-bit_Infidel

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I like cats better. Can I have, like, a tiger instead of a dog? Tiger > dog.

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Can't wait to let my feline loose. Hope it loots bodies for us and is made of steel. Will cry if my doggy dies.

Also hope it doesn't get infected like in the film "I am legend." and have to put it down myself with my bare hands! :(

mountain lion perhaps? lol would be cool

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Because there is always someone who comes along and tries to tell people how cool dogs are versus cats.

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I see DayZ to be the ultimate PVP game, dogs seem a bit silly to me

"This is DayZ, this is your story" he's trying to add more options for the player to do. If this was real life and a survivor was on his own, he would get lonely very quickly.

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