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Traitors to our clan, please be aware of these people

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Our clan/group is one of those that has tried to tip the balance and make this game world a better place to survive in.

However recently a member of our group was removed due to a number of crimes and minor incidents.

We offered to remove him peacefully, he refused and has commited other crimes incuding the murder of one of our clan members

He may be impersinanting a Regulator as he still carrys the clan tag.

Anyone encountering one of the following names in game should consider them hostile.

[Regulator] Piggies

[Regulator] Happy

This post may not achieve much, but I wanted to get it out there that these people do not represent our good intentions of helping other players and kiling the worst of bandits. We apologise if you have been killed by them, but we assure you they are no longer part of our group.

This message also goes out the the CQF, to avoid any conflictions with our group (they know what im talking about, I just have a hard time contacting them at the moment to warn them about this)

Any other friendly groups that encounter them should be careful.

Any reports of these guys should be reported here ASAP, and please leave your thoughts

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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It is when its one of your own clan members that murdered you

Other crimes include revealing camp locations and destruciton of our verchiles

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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It is when its one of your own clan members that murdered you

Other crimes include revealing camp locations and destruciton of our verchiles

I've been killed by friends before, it does suck.

Maybe instead of saying that he's impersonating your clan, you should all change your tags to something similar yet deceivingly different in order to differentiate. He should have been cut from all contact with your clan after all, so he shouldn't be aware of the change normally.

Hope the idea helps.


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Thanks monster, unfortunantly we have over 150 members and he is searching us on dayzcommander so it would take everyone of us to change both our names and tags which will be a lot of effort which will likely make no difference.

All we are worried about is them murdering innocents and making out it is us thats doing it.

But thanks for the idea

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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because the guy gets pissed off when supposed team mates team kill, destroy vehicles and disclose camp coordinates.

me thinks someone has a warped sense of acceptable behaviour.

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Who me?

We have put a lot of work into our group to help people, the last thing we want is for some people who now have a grudge against us ruining our gameplay because they are immature and feel like messing up our stuff.

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Why do you sign your own forum threads when it clearly says your forum name tag on the left? Is it because you forget what your name is on this forum? Furthermore, why do you type in pink like you're some wanna-be forum mod?

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Monster, considering that Rocket said he LIKES the metagame that is infiltration etc, he would absolutely approve of these kind of posts. so get back under your rock with the 'murder on dayz.. you don say' crap

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Just a short question: Are you guys using the Squad XML System or do you just write the tag into your character names?

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Why do you sign your own forum threads when it clearly says your forum name tag on the left? Is it because you forget what your name is on this forum? Furthermore, why do you type in pink like you're some wanna-be forum mod?

Monster, considering that Rocket said he LIKES the metagame that is infiltration etc, he would absolutely approve of these kind of posts. so get back under your rock with the 'murder on dayz.. you don say' crap

Here, let me help you with that girls.


If you'd have read beyond my first post, you'd have noticed that in the end there was actual valid discussion of the topic. Instead of topping off the on-topic thread with your attempts at looking better than me, you should post it in the appropriate places! ^_^


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