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Bragging rights!

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Once again I want to thank everyone who participated in the "Shit DayZ Players Say (contribute!)" thread (here: http://tinyurl.com/c9pzpu2 ) for all of your suggestions. The video wouldn't have been half as awesome without you guys!

The video went micro-viral in a few hours after I posted it on reddit and especially after Rocket tweeted and facebooked it! Here is a chronicle of the awesome things that has happened since I uploaded it.

[it ended up on the front page as number 1 on the DayZ subreddit.

My post on Rocket's facebook wall.

Rocket's post on his wall.

Rocket's post on my wall.

Rocket's tweet on his personal twitter.

@dayzdevteam's retweet of Rocket's personal tweet.

Rocket gave the video a like on his personal youtube.

Youtube user BroTeamPill's retweet of my tweet to him (I put "whisper kick" in my video which is a reference to his video)

Youtube user ddayhollywood, creator of the youtube series "DayZ In Real Life"'s tweet to me (first line in my video is a reference to his intro line)

Youtube user ddayhollywood tweets my video.

Youtube user ddayhollywood follows me on twitter.

Youtube user ddayhollywood subscribes to me on youtube.

Rocket calls my video brilliant during an interview with IGN. (31:30)]

It ended up on the front page as number 1 on the DayZ subreddit.


My post on Rocket's facebook wall.


Rocket's post on his wall.


Rocket's post on my wall.


Rocket's tweet on his personal twitter.


@dayzdevteam's retweet of Rocket's personal tweet.


Rocket gave the video a like on his personal youtube.


Youtube user BroTeamPill's retweet of my tweet to him (I put "whisper kick" in my video which is a reference to his video)


Youtube user ddayhollywood, creator of the youtube series "DayZ In Real Life"'s tweet to me (first line in my video is a reference to his intro line)


Youtube user ddayhollywood tweets my video.


Youtube user ddayhollywood follows me on twitter.


Youtube user ddayhollywood subscribes to me on youtube.


Rocket calls my video brilliant during an interview with IGN. (31:30)

Edited by DannyFilming
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I always love that part.

Edited by Inception.
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I liked my own video.

Not really, but on a serious note, It's well deserved dude. I hadn't actually seen the video until just now, but that was pretty damn funny :)

Edited by nfsmwbefast
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When I saw the thread you posted for your video concept I really thought that you were retarded...but the video turned out to be complete tits, ultra-tits. Brilliant. Liked and shared.

Edited by puppetworx
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I liked my own video.

lol, love your humor :)

When I saw the thread you posted for your video concept I really thought that you were retarded...but the video turned out to be complete tits, ultra-tits. Brilliant. Liked and shared.

Story of my life, dude. Thanks a lot!:)

Edited by DannyFilming

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