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Taylor (DayZ)

Random massive loss of blood?

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Twice now since I've installed 1.7 in about a week or 2, I've experienced completely random blood loss.

The first time, I had just logged onto a server and took a quick look around to get my bearings. I looked at a sign, and it said I was in Staroye. Then my blood goes from 12000 all the way down to 3500 and I'm bleeding. I immediately bandaged myself up and continued. The thing that struck me as being was that there was no shot at all, no broken bone, or being knocked unconscious.

Just this week, the same thing happened again, but this time I was near the military triage across the way from the Balota airfield. Same situation, I log in and get my bearings and then massive blood loss and bleeding. I went down from 12000 to 3500. No shots what so ever, no survivors, no broken legs, or unconsciousness, and the nearest walker was 75 meters away growling at a bush.

Anyone else experienced this?

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Yes, this happened to me Sunday. I went prone to observe a building, then decided I was too exposed. So I crawled backwards so I'd be under the bough of a pine tree. Suddenly, I was unconscious, and lost 5K+ blood.

First thought - I had been shot. So I waited for the coup de gras. It never came. So, I then thought maybe there was some random Z that was hiding in the woods, hit me... then decided to not eat me. Nothing around me.

So, I think the tree ate me. Or at least tried too. I read somewhere that going prone over jagged ground can damage you, but I had a good look at the ground under the tree, and apart from being on a slight slope, there was no obvious jaggedness. So *shrug* I've got no idea what happened.

So I call Bandit Tree!!

And... first post!! Hi everyone :)

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Ive had broken bones bleeding and bloodloss from trying to crawl prone through doorways

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This could be related to those terribly unlucky spawns that place you underneath the floor, or in the walls of some buildings. When you try to walk out from your clipped location you'll usually take gigantic amounts of damage and instantly die.

So maybe you've been spawning with your legs clipped into a rock, for example. As soon as you tried to move, it registered, and applied a shit-ton of damage to your legs.

And... first post!! Hi everyone :)

Hi! :D

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This could be related to those terribly unlucky spawns that place you underneath the floor' date=' or in the walls of some buildings. When you try to walk out from your clipped location you'll usually take gigantic amounts of damage and instantly die.

So maybe you've been spawning with your legs clipped into a rock, for example. As soon as you tried to move, it registered, and applied a shit-ton of damage to your legs.


Except it would have broken his legs. That of which he clearly states did not happen.

I've had this happen once, i was running and all of a sudden i lost massive blood. No shots, or sounds or anything. Not even the sound of being hit by a bullet. So i bandaged my self, ran further into the tree line thinking mby i got snipped at somehow, and all of a sudden even more damage and then im dead. And i know for a fact that i couldn't have been sniped the second time as i was to far into the trees and up a hill to be even visible from a sniping position.

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I've died crawling out a doorway and down on small step.

I've gone from crouch to prone almost (or actually touching) a tree and lost about 7K blood and broke and sprained myself.

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Are you sure there were no people sniping at you from a long distance?

I'm pretty sure I wasn't sniped. That said, I was observing a building at the time, I could have missed another player. I had the building under observation from a prone position for at least 30-40 seconds *before* I started to crawl backwards under the tree.

And just to clarify, I didn't spawn in that location - I'd been in game for a while and had been crouch running just prior to spotting the building.

It could be that trees are more dangerous that you would believe on more hard-core servers.

And General Balls - thanks! :)

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