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A little note about hacking .........

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Im making this post hoping that one of the devs will pick it up or someone will spread the word cause as many of the ppl that play dayz know the increasing number of hackers have grown so much the last couple of weeks that it has reached a point were i can almost not join a server without either finding a ammo crate with all the best gear in or getting killed in some mysterious way.

Although this is very anoying that is not what i want to rais awareness of cause most of the hackers don't understand what happends when they hacke. Cause when they say get killed and decides to hack they will most likely spawn in the best gear and if one persone did this it would not be a problem but when thousends of ppl do this the looting becomes useless and i find it better to patrol the cost for militarly gear than actually going to the military loot spot just because it is easier to kill a noob that spawned in gear than actually go to NWAF to MAYBE find something good. This for me turns the game into a more of a COD shooter were you are almost given the gear in the face and asked to shoot the guy next too you.

The second thing i wanne talk about is vehicles cause when after they fixed ppl not be able to spawn in vehicles anymore hackers need to find other ways to get their vehicles then they turn to ESP and Teleporting and that would be ok if the hackers was going for the old bikes but hey we all know they just popp up their map and find the ONE chopper that most of the time only respawns after 7 DAYS and when they are done with it they either crash it or just leave it in the middle of nowhere so it is almost impossible to find. Thus making it (almost)impossible for a legit player to actually find a chopper nowdays.

You might think hey this is just talk well no it is not:

After around 7 days of searching for a chopper and then i mean going on all the spawn points each day + searching for camps i found nothing.....so i decided to HACK to see if there was actually any choppers there at all so i searched for hacks on google and found a site for hacks it was totally free only had to registrate and click in on the forums only seconds after i got in on the forums the script executors was almost thrown in my face they came pre compiled was approved by an admin on the site and even a 6 year old could figure out how it works. Another quick search on the forums and i found and easy EPS and teleport hack. So i went to the server and turned the EPS on and to my suprise there was a chopper on the server but when i TPed over i quickly found out that it was crashed. so i decided to find another server to check there. When i entred the second server it was the same thing chopper was destroyed 20 servers later i still had no chopper and im sure there is alot more servers that still haven't gotten a chopper even worse on some servers all the vehicles were pilled up in the far north corner non were destroyed and they would not respawn for a long time if the hacker had taken his time to save all of them.

After a couple of server hopps for choppers later i decided to try to spawn in some gear so i did a quick search on the forums again and found a script for full gear with baisicly the best gear you can obtain. With the single push of a button i had all the best gear in the game i was freshly spawn on the beach with 0 stats and a sudden thought struck me what am i going to do now ? i had all the best gear i could travel across the map with a click and i only found one option left kill someone the onyl objektive left is to kill ppl there is no need to search for vehicles anymore there is no reason to go to the NW airfield and there is no reason to hide in the forest and survive casue if i die in a fire fight i can just press a hotkey and get all the gear back. so at this point i logged off and deleted arma 2 from my PC cause there is no reason to play anymore.

I hope this has given everyone a little wake up call about the amount of hacking currently going on.

Regards Iths

And yes as you may see im not from England or USA so my grammar will not be perfect but you get my point.

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for you people who cant be bothered reading it he hid it in the middle of his story

You might think hey this is just talk well no it is not:

After around 7 days of searching for a chopper and then i mean going on all the spawn points each day + searching for camps i found nothing.....so i decided to HACK to see if there was actually any choppers there at all so i searched for hacks on google and found a site for hacks it was totally free only had to registrate and click in on the forums only seconds after i got in on the forums the script executors was almost thrown in my face they came pre compiled was approved by an admin on the site and even a 6 year old could figure out how it works. Another quick search on the forums and i found and easy EPS and teleport hack. So i went to the server and turned the EPS on and to my suprise there was a chopper on the server but when i TPed over i quickly found out that it was crashed. so i decided to find another server to check there. When i entred the second server it was the same thing chopper was destroyed 20 servers later i still had no chopper and im sure there is alot more servers that still haven't gotten a chopper even worse on some servers all the vehicles were pilled up in the far north corner non were destroyed and they would not respawn for a long time if the hacker had taken his time to save all of them.


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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:16 AM, EndlessNight said:

Yeah I know it's getting old but... :P


Im not banned i got mire brain than a 10 year old cod player and i know what a Bypass dose .... and i code myself one to make sure i did not get banned

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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:30 AM, Iths said:

Im not banned i got mire brain than a 10 year old cod player and i know what a Bypass dose .... and i code myself one to make sure i did not get banned

It doesn't seem like it.

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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:30 AM, Iths said:

Im not banned i got mire brain than a 10 year old cod player and i know what a Bypass dose .... and i code myself one to make sure i did not get banned

Yeah right, thats why you hack in the first place? Because you arent a 10 year old kid who cant play the proper way, no!! not you ;) /ironie off

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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:34 AM, Inception. said:

It doesn't seem like it.

Would not matter im not playing this game anymore until they fix hacking a bit more atm im more tampted to give away my account for testing of hacks as bad as this community is xD wating in pain for The War z.... and Dayz Standalone .....

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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:46 AM, Iths said:

Would not matter im not playing this game anymore until they fix hacking a bit more atm im more tampted to give away my account for testing of hacks as bad as this community is xD wating in pain for The War z.... and Dayz Standalone .....

I hope every DayZ-Mod hacker scriptkiddie gets banned in the Standalone too

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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:43 AM, EndlessNight said:

Yeah right, thats why you hack in the first place? Because you arent a 10 year old kid who cant play the proper way, no!! not you ;) /ironie off

Try to be serious and sharing my opinion on the internett what was i thinking .........

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  On 9/1/2012 at 12:33 AM, Inception. said:

This is going to get annoying when everyone quotes it.

moar moar moar

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I agree with the poster. The hacking is ridiculous. I've been curious about checking out hacks for technical reasons. It is ridiculous how poorly the engine is designed.

The rule of thumb for multiplier games is the server is authoritative and client are not. This is networking 101 for any type of software.

Imagine if banks trusted clients about how much money they have in there account.

Yet in dayz foreign clients can make players invisible. Which as a programmer I can not believe. It is the most basic of things.

Spawning items is also stupid as well. Who decides to let a client dictate what items are around.

Teleporting is stupid as-well. Most other games teleporting capability is limited and only the result of some form of lag compensation. but going km's is silly.

There are some client side things that being authoritative does not fix. these are local client hacks. Like wall hacks. or aim hacks. These only apply to the person using them and does not change how other players experience the world.

Not saying it is dayz's fault. It may be the arma 2 engine who knows. Someone has screwed the pooch though.

Edited by greeniekin

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i just wanna try the dance script for shits n giggles start a rave in the warehouse in story or something like that. maybe in the hangers.

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