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Several DayZ/Arma II Errors

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Got a few problems occurring with both DayZ and Arma II.

My DayZ problem is albeit a minor one; though it's likely related to my Arma problem. Whenever I start up DayZ, I get this error message:

Addon 'dayz.anim' requires addon 'CA_HC_Sounds'

Doesn't seem to be causing any real problems for me in-game, but oddly when I start up Arma II (Not OA or CO) I get this message:

Addon 'Warfare2' requires addon 'CA_MIssion_SpecOps'

Don't know what the deal is what that either, but what I do know is that I don't have ANY single player scenario missions or the original campaign (I do have EW).

I have the OA scenarios and campaigns, but not the Arma 2 ones.

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have you still got this problem

sound like missing files

the dayz one is missing the arma2 files

both are closely related ei same file missing

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