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Can't join server cause of missing/deleted files

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Hey guys, I can't join a single server. It says that I deleted the files "dayz code, weapons, vehicles, equip"

I have the Arma X Anniversary standalone edition. I'm running with Windows 7 x64.

DayZ version is 1.7 and I am using the Arma II Launcer v. 1.4

My DayZ files are under this location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@DayZ\addons

Here is a screen (Yeah... its german, sorry)

it says: "Cailev, you can't edit/play the mission because they based on downloadable files, you deleted.

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i have the same problem...i reinstall A2 OA and i have the newest files over the torrent offer...

if its doesnt work, it would really f***** me of, because i spend 25€ on steam for the game

pls help

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