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Makeshift Suppressors.

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Would you like a way to very temporarily suppress the sound of your gunfire? Instead of having to run all of the way to Stary Sober; why not find a plastic bottle and some duct tape and fit that to the barrel of your side arm?

It would not last for long when you use this, only 1-3 shots; depending on the caliber of your weapon. 9mm's would get to most efficient use from this rig, but more powerful ones like a 357 mag would only get at least 1 shot.

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Its crafting, Rocket already said in an interview that he would like to implement all kinds of crafting, from character customization to underground building -it can't be done in the current engine, but he wants players to form the world they are in, so we will hopefully get a form of gun customization!

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or more stressful depending on how the customization works, making a bottle do multiple things in a game requires more 'what if' coding, so they may just make a silencer go onto any weapon, but make the silencer rare. Even the devs don't know how far in-depth they can go yet cause the arma III engine is still being built.

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