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1/9 WDU SERVER | New 60 Slot Server With Vilayer Hive- Extra Vehicles - Working Tents - Active Admins

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1/9 WDU Clan has recently rented a 60 man Chenarus server that uses the new Vilayer Hive. The Server will always be set UTC-9. We have also upped the default vehicle number from 15 to 30. The server is restarted every 4 hours to ensure it stays synced. Tents actually work properly and people actually find vehicles. We are looking for survivors, bandits, rival clans etc to join us. To find us, launch your game with six launch, select multilayer and type 1/9 wdu in your filter. We are running with beta 1.62.95248 If anyone has questions or comments feel free to sends us a message through our website at wdu.enjin.com

Edited by MadMaxUSMC

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Moved to Private Hive Discussion.

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Will this be a permanent server? Active server admins are very important to me. I will check you guys out later tonight after work and wish you all nothing but the best of luck!

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Apologies for posting this in the wrong place. We are running We intend to keep this server up and running through the stand alone release. Then, we will likely switch over to that. Thank you for the well wishes.

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Is your clan recruiting? Sounds like a fun server to play on.

We are. You can submit and application at wdu.enjin.com.

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what kind of ping do swedish/europeans run on your server?

Edited by Amatoer

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what kind of ping do swedish/europeans run on your server?

The Swedes that we have generally get a ping of around 180-200. Our maximum ping allowed is 250. They are able to play with no problems.

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We also almost always have an Admin available, so we encourage anyone one our server to contact us through our forums regarding hackers, cheaters, etc. Got another one first thing this morning: 06.09.2012 22:48:30: logan ( a087ae8f12658e57af98d1fd589c7757 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};"

We do miss some, but the more involved we can get our players the better chance we have of catching those we may miss or overlook.

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We also ban players for PVP logging and ghosting. Additionally, we just opened a public Teamspeak for players on the server where they can create their own channels and contact server admins directly.

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I have to say that playing on this server now for a while and admins and community are good. Always some admin on to respond and teamspeak to add to bandit/survivor experience. Couple of clans on server duking it out also adds to flavor. Server is worth a look at if looking for somewhere with a decent high population but with no ghosting and limited scripters.

Edited by Ravlat

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