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Party/ Buddy System

Party System  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this be implemented?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes, but not how OP desires (explain)

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I know there is a similar topic but I have different views and wanted to make them known. I feel that the standard on servers should be no names/ranges until you are in a "party" or if you are "buddies". Much like how Hardcore Call Of Duty manages players on the same team, "friendlies" should appear in green text and random guys' names don't show up at all. I mean, in real life you would be able to recognize people who are your teammates. Too many times teammates end up accidentally killing each other because they don't know who is who and some shoot first, ask later.

Buddy system should not affect humanity except in the idea of reduced gain for healing them.

Party system should affect humanity the same as the buddy system except that lost humanity is split amongst the group members currently online.

No teleporting, no extra weapons. Plain and simple in my opinion.

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agreed players should be able to send buddy invitations to players if accepted people cannot be killed if shot at by a buddy you have my last tin of beans sir

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friendly fire is a vital part of Dayz, weather its accidental or not it makes players stand on their toes. Also the half and half humanity aspect makes it seem like theyre doing co op or something and i just dont follow..

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agreed players should be able to send buddy invitations to players if accepted people cannot be killed if shot at by a buddy you have my last tin of beans sir

I do not like the idea of no friendly fire. Just that your teammates names would pop up as opposed to other people who weren't teammates (their names would stay hidden)

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Yea it could work but after a certain distance those name should disapear regardless because you wouldn't recognize someone after a certain distance. Maybe in order to "rerecognize them" you have to look at them for a second or so at a certain distance. Facial recognition has been talked about within the forums so in a way, you're character can recall players they know or have seen around.

This whole friendly thing can be easily helped in a realistic way by allowing customizable clothes. You'd recognize the clothes and overall look you're friends' characters.

Edited by Lights Out
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Yea it could work but after a certain distance those name should disapear regardless because you wouldn't recognize someone after a certain distance. Maybe in order to "rerecognize them" you have to look at them for a second or so at a certain distance. Facial recognition has been talked about within the forums so in a way, you're character can recall players they know or have seen around.

This whole friendly thing can be easily helped in a realistic way by allowing customizable clothes. You'd recognize the clothes and overall look you're friends' characters.

Here you go sir, have all of my beans. That is exactly what I was aiming for with the certain distance thing.

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Their names shouldn't pop-up, communicating to avoid friendly fire is part of the game. :S

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Yeah because I hear that players in say Veteran servers, will sometimes lose sight of their team mates, and end up shooting them afterwards. Now in real life this can happen, but only in a high tensions situation with the team mate maybe not fully in sight. (Not 100% sure on how real life friendly kills exactly go down, but without having a character customization, we should get a system that helps tell our team mates apart from others. Servers can still have it so the system gets more limited depending on server difficulty, or even just from the server admin customizing the server. Could have it where you mates have all the green name tags, distance, maybe even cross-hair change to green. But it could vary, and maybe have it with one of them. But I can't wait to see what Rocket and the team have in store for the stand alone version!

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Their names shouldn't pop-up, communicating to avoid friendly fire is part of the game. :S

I also agree with this, but you should still know your team apart by at least clothing. So maybe you see their shoulder or head peaking out, and than bam! Team kill! :lol:

As I said though, being in a server such as a "Recruit" server may have all the bells n' whistles for those who want it. (i.e. Name tags, cross-hair "x" or go green (Maybe not allow you to shoot team) distance, ect...)

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Yeah, I'd like to see character customisation to help with that (among other things) too but learning how to communicate ie. 'friendly entering x building from x direction' is still part of the game. I wouldn't be against something like changing the nameplates in Rec servers to a format where it would say for example 'FRIEND mZLY' or whatever, but I wouldn't like to see any changes in Vet/Hard servers.

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Yeah, I'd like to see character customisation to help with that (among other things) too but learning how to communicate ie. 'friendly entering x building from x direction' is still part of the game. I wouldn't be against something like changing the nameplates in Rec servers to a format where it would say for example 'FRIEND mZLY' or whatever, but I wouldn't like to see any changes in Vet/Hard servers.


I just gets annoying sometimes when you fire and all your teams mates go off saying, "Did someone shoot!?", "Who shot!". Although I have learnt to say, "Firing" before hand, but it was hard with a program like Skype, where I couldn't keep my mic on since they don't have a "push to talk" option. So I'd have to "Alt, tab" to un-mute my mic. Now that we use Mumble, I am good to go on the communication part of things, so I actually have no problem with team co-operation. :D

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OMG, yeah... Wherever the gunfire is, it sounds like it's behind and coming towards you. I hate when people don't call their shots. xD

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agreed players should be able to send buddy invitations to players if accepted people cannot be killed if shot at by a buddy you have my last tin of beans sir

buddy invites fine, but friendly fire is a necessary part of realistic combat.

"help I'm being swarmed, throw that grenade at me!"

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Problem is if you don't implement any feature AT ALL to tell players apart (name over head or clothes to differentiate) any player can sneak in your group if you look alike and it would take a second to figure out which player isn't someone you know. In real life, you can spot a stranger instantly.

I personally am not a fan of having names over the head in a game as realistic as this one but there should be a lot of clothes and or face options that allow me to differentiate friends from strangers.

If some kind of more visual friendly system HAD TO be incorporated I would COMPROMISE if a sort of "facial recognition" was implemented. It would work like this.

-A small prompt on the screen would tell you whether you've seen this player before on the server. Maybe you had their face in your scope or binocs at a earlier time or you actually ran into them. (You would not recognize people from other characters that you died with, this would reset with each character)

-When meeting certain players you can choose to share your name and or some info as if you're friends so from now on, when you see this player, a small prompt with the players name would pop up but disappear within a few seconds.

But again, my vote goes to more apparel options and face customization and maybe body customization. Nothing crazy but just for some differentiation between players. It's the most realistic ways of handling a friendly system.

Edited by Lights Out

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I know there is a similar topic but I have different views and wanted to make them known.

I know there's this thing called democracy but I wanted to rule so I became a dictator!

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A buddy system of some sort would be great. But we should only be able to find each other if we both have GPS... (Not sure if that is in, or will be in the game later though) I would really like to know who my friends are at least.

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As "nice" as it would be, this is another realism-destroying concept.

The current voice mechanics are spot-on.

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