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PDR Private Hive [w/ safe zones] // RECRUITING NOW!

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Second Ark's point above. like he says we will be laying off the crash sites a little just taking some ammo we need and that (searching them all for ghillies:P haha)

iG Jonny

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Right yeah I'd just like to follow up on Ark's reply here. I'm gonna write up a bit about iG and who we are hopefully you guys will be able to understand us better.

iG is a close-knit community of about 10 players, We all started DayZ roughly around the same time but there are a few of us who are "new" to the game and still getting to grips with it. Most of us are mature players who aren't disrespectful to other players, we will always go out of our way to assist players as long as we know they are friendly.

We may have 2 choppers but we've already shown that we are more than willing to pick people up and give them a ride to wherever they need or want to go. All we ask is that you approach the chopper with your weapon lowered and dont make a hostile action towards the chopper, We dont want to have to kill anyone but we will have an M240 trained on you :P

About 90% of the group will only ever fire their weapon if in self defence, I'm a friendly player and I have never fired my weapon or killed anyone that didn't shoot at me / make a threatening stance first

We aren't hoarding vehicles, As Ark says we have 2 choppers... We found the 2nd chopper up north somewhere & yeah we have 1 dirt bike, 1 hatchback (which isn't being driven as told by Ark), 1 UAZ and an SUV. We are also laying off the crash sites for now, other than looking for rare ammo and ghillies

You guys have nothing to worry about if you think we might get bored and go player hunting, We hold skirmishes between ourselves and in the event that we hold one while you guys are on we will tell you what town its in and ask you not to interfere for your safety. We basically never go player hunting, I think the whole us hijacking the first chopper has made people think that we are dicks & bandits and that we dont care about anyone else which is really furthest thing from the truth

I have a TS which supports 30 people and you guys are more than welcome to join it at anytime and chat with us or other survivors in game. We have several channels and we have reserved the right to make a private channel for iG members should we need to discuss any confidential or classified information


I am not giving the password out here on the public forums as I only want survivors on the PDR server using it, if you want the password just ask for it in game and I will give it out. Make sure to save the server under your bookmarks also

As I said guys, we are friendly players and we dont want to make any enemies or cause trouble on the server, we just want to actually be able to play the game for what its worth (which we can finally do here) because we are tired of having to play on the official hive with hackers and script kiddies. We honestly mean you no harm and we are more than willing to trade weapons and vehicles if people wanna trade with us

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Just don't say you have a tent or they will threaten to snipe you for it ;)

I was never worried about you guys being bandits just i know a few groups that feel the need to collect everything and then take it to the out of bound zones so no one will ever see it again, but thank you for clearing that up and might see you in TS sometime though we can just use sidechat.

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so i have yet to actually get in game on this server. hangs up every time i try on "Joining Server" and then gives me a connection failure error message. yes, im signed up, yes i have the password. just wondering if anybody has any suggestions on how to join the party....

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Went to the server tonight... it was pretty full!

Bandit in Elektro made me flee north into the woods. It was too dark to go venturing anywhere, so decided to kill a boar, gut it, and then relax by the fireplace... really missed the guy with the guitar from the STALKER series =(

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Went to the server tonight... it was pretty full!

Bandit in Elektro made me flee north into the woods. It was too dark to go venturing anywhere, so decided to kill a boar, gut it, and then relax by the fireplace... really missed the guy with the guitar from the STALKER series =(

I miss that guitar player too.. maybe the standalone could have such a feature.. :rolleyes:

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so i have yet to actually get in game on this server. hangs up every time i try on "Joining Server" and then gives me a connection failure error message. yes, im signed up, yes i have the password. just wondering if anybody has any suggestions on how to join the party....

Make sure your player profile name PERFECTLY matches the name you provided on your application. When I tried taking the "(not bandit)" part of my name out I was getting the same issue; once I put it back no problems.

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when is the server going to update to

I tried getting in a few times and i can't play it because server is still on older version...

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when is the server going to update to

I tried getting in a few times and i can't play it because server is still on older version...

Updating right now.

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How long does it take to receive acces after application? I've filled in the form yesterday (well over 12 hours ago) and haven't received anything yet.

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How long does it take to receive acces after application? I've filled in the form yesterday (well over 12 hours ago) and haven't received anything yet.

a friend of mine (Famous123) also signed up (on Thursday) and has yet to receive his notification...


Edited by VicOzzy

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Logged in last night for a whopping 2 minutes, my ping was going banana's cause of my flatmate was streaming a soccer game. Anyhow, will be back again, those 2 minutes gave me a great vibe. I love sidechannel.

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Crosire upgraded us to the latest and arma2 beta please make sure you do the same.

Vic, your friend has been added to the whitelist. feel free to give him the pasword. We migrated to a new mail account so it may have gone missing somewhere.

Also, for a trial NWAB and Helo crash sites are SoS/PvP areas. Go there at your own risk. Rest of the map remains unchanged.

This has been implemented to make gaining high end equipment more risky, and extend the end game.

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Well, I figured out what the problem was. I can join the server if I start the game via dayzcommander (by joining another random server), exiting the server lobby and use the ingame serverlist to join. If I start arma2 via steam or any other way, it says I have the wrong arma2 beta to join. Weird, but what the heck, I can play regardless.

Sorry to who ever had a tent under the docks, but I'll make sure your ak will be well taken care off :blush:

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Submitted a request, no reply yet. Looking forward to taking a break from Paranoid armed bush-wookies and internet-buckaroos!

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Had some troubles getting into the server originaly (Due to BattleEye having a problem updating, not the servers fault), but managed to find a fix and get into the server this evening, and it was great! Really friendly community who were more then willing to help out someone like me who's still learning.

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Have you considered changing the time settings around a bit?

Many people can only play in the late evening, having the time offset from GMT with something like -4 hours would allow them to play some in daylight as well.

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We have a suggestions section on the forum were our community can vote on settings. So far it hasn't been suggested.

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