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PDR Private Hive [w/ safe zones] // RECRUITING NOW!

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UPDATE: Server is having a hive wipe in the next 10days. NOW has never been the perfect time to come onboard!

Due to a recent server upgrade a rare opportunity to Join PDR which is normally by invitation only has arisen.

We have a large and active community. The forums have recently been upgraded and offer excellent communication tools, including built in chat and teamspeak.

The server has a unique southern safe zone, with survivor camp where PvP is prohibited.

Click here to see the safe zone map:


These dedicated NON-PvP areas in the southern part of the map allow those to gear up in relative peace - and

Server is Hosted on a dedicated server - with admin active and available 24/7. Teamspeak 3 server is provided and used by 99% of the player base.

The server is community driven so settings are dictated by the server community, not by the admins.

Cheat Protection is handled by crosire control centre (we are also the only server currently running CC5 beta as we are premium sponsers of Crosire's project). Server is passworded, and uses a whitelist system

We will run a 3 strike and out system. All invited so longs as you can meet to 300ms ping requirment, and follow the rules. Members can invite unlimited number of friends (via the application process) for instant no quible access.

Join by visiting the link below:


Dedicated Server is UK based [Veteran] With:


GMT -3 (gets dark around 11pm local time)

Waypoints = 1

3rd person = 1

Nametags = 0

Armour = 0

Tracers = 0

Death messages = 1

Side channel = 1

up to 500 vehicles available.

Official server langauge is English, but other languages are tollerated (we have a strong German userbase also)

Thank you for reading.

Edited by foxdie_01
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Sorry mod.

I forgot to mention. Battleeye is enabled. Those banned, or affected by cdkey theft will be unable to join. No exceptions to whitelist.

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Sounds like a good server and I'd like to join buy the 3D think its a deal breaker, I get dizzy after 10 minutes running in first person from all the motion

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Yeah, im sorry the removal of thrid person was help cement the atmosphere as i feel third person gives too much spacial/situation awarness.

Still plenty of slots remaining. 25 players now have access peaking at a whole 5 simultaneous connections earlier :D :blush: So get yourself onboard and help fill these slots.

Server will be reset and move permanently to GMT +1 in 10mins.

Thanks for reading!

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I can vouch for this server; good times, fast loading, and almost no glitching ... this coming from a west coast US guy connecting to a UK server.

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"Non PVP"


[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Unnecessary and insulting. Keep your slurs to yourself.

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"Non PVP"


Another fail idiot that didn't read the entire OP's post. Congratulations on being a moron; go back to school.

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It seems like a wonderful server.

I understand how you feel about the 3d view foxdie, besides being useful, it helps with motion sickness. I'll try to adapt to it....



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Sounds like a good server and I'd like to join buy the 3D think its a deal breaker, I get dizzy after 10 minutes running in first person from all the motion

It seems like a wonderful server.

I understand how you feel about the 3d view foxdie, besides being useful, it helps with motion sickness. I'll try to adapt to it....



Actually, was talking to some players ingame. And most think activating 3rd person would be fine. So I activated 3rd person on the restart i just did.

Its still young, so please don't be put-off by the low-population, we all gotta start somewhere, so come along and join us! Quality over Quantity! And as founding members you can help mould the server, and its settings to suit your gamestyle (like the decision to acivate 3d /\).

On a side note - i just had my best p2p encounter in dayz. Hooked up at elektro with 2 others cleaned out the NWAF of loot, found a crash site - was great working with like minded individuals on a single task - and first time i've felt confident enough to approach another user.

Im off to bed now, but i'll respond to password requests first thing 2mo morning.


I'll be setting up a forum on the above domain next week. So members can discuss what settings, and maps (lingor is available) is being played that month.

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Just fulfilled my application!

Looking forward to see you online.

You have reply.

Recruiting for a couple of survivor groups (4-5 players each).

And also a pair of bandits. BUT, i need my bandits to very responsible and creative, i.e. instead of killing you hold them and rob them etc. If they log, come email me and they'll get a strike! There are more options to being a bandit than sniping people. All p2p interaction i want to be enjoyable and unique, whether its with a bandit or another survivor! (No one enjoys being shot at from someone sitting in a bush 800m away)

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Sent an application with some quick info about our small group as well. But I forgot to ask however: Does tents save correctly on your server at the time being?

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You should have a reply already. Yes, from what i've tested the tents maintain their contents between restarts, and vehicles do not move. Just make sure you save them often.

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I just applied. sounds interesting. Will i have my gear that i currently have on an official server? Or do you simply restart? I assume the latter (I don't know a lot about private hives).

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I just applied. sounds interesting. Will i have my gear that i currently have on an official server? Or do you simply restart? I assume the latter (I don't know a lot about private hives).

No im sorry, it is possible to transfer over characters. But its alot of hardwork for me, and honestly it wouldn't be fair on ones starting fresh.

We've got our first group onboard, I'd like to formally welcome iG to the server.

Now we need another group for a bit of friendly rivalry. Step up you lot!

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No im sorry, it is possible to transfer over characters. But its alot of hardwork for me, and honestly it wouldn't be fair on ones starting fresh.

We've got our first group onboard, I'd like to formally welcome iG to the server.

Now we need another group for a bit of friendly rivalry. Step up you lot!

That's cool, I don't mind. The server is great btw. I like the addition of side chat too.

As for the group iG; their debut act was to steal a chopper that I and 3 others spent 35 minutes repairing and refuelling.. absolute b*****ds :lol:

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That's cool, I don't mind. The server is great btw. I like the addition of side chat too.

As for the group iG; their debut act was to steal a chopper that I and 3 others spent 35 minutes repairing and refuelling.. absolute b*****ds :lol:

it seems like we already have some friendly rivalry starting! =)

i'll begin my adventuring tonight (please don't shoot me)

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Yes, but they were really quite decent about it, only poor 'ole ghost died, and they said thank you afterwards :D

Our resident comic TjonkZ was giving a running comentry throughout. It really was entertaining to watch play out.

Edited by foxdie_01

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Just a small update:

I logged on last night, spawned on the pier of Elektro. Immediately spotted a chopper and requested a lift. They picked me up and, since i had just spawned, they dropped at the NW Airfield to get some gear. Unfortunately it was night time and the graphical glitches were too heavy for me to advance anywhere significantly...

Still, the guys were all pretty awesome! The chopper was being commandeered by iG fellows, who were all eager to assist.

Thank you for the experience guys, i will see you again tonight! =)

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Was having a look at your website but what is with the application not being able to scroll down?

edit- never mind i sorted it.

Edited by NumpTFlump

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text size needs to be 100%. websites not great, i wacked it up in my lunch break on friday.

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I will be playing a medic this time around, if anyone needs a medic please ask for NumpTFlump in the side chat. I accept payment in the form of food water and ammo.

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