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Food Supplies

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Make less food in towns, just a bit less.

Bring in more food hunting ideas.

New animals in certain parts.



(bears and wolves will attack, wolves travel in packs, maybe if a mother bear and her cub are walking by the mother will charge you as its how she defends?)


(you need to find string, then find a fishing rod OR a small stick, attach string to either, then find a hook also, dont need bait, thats too much, then fish in the sea or ponds, some areas give bigger fish some smaller, also you dont always catch fish)

Rabbit Snares(traps)

(Find these as premade traps or find the components and assemble it yourself)

Bear Snares(traps)

(same as above except players can get caught too)

thats all for now, i will edit and bump when i think of more. The reason for this is because its more realistic, if dayz happened in real life, beans wouldnt keep spawning :S use the wilderness. This also makes people spread out more.

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I like the idea of rabbit snares, catching rabbit at the moment is hell...

Not sure about fishing...

As for wolves, there's enough of them with rifles in Cherno & Electro :(

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As for wolves, there's enough of them with rifles in Cherno & Electro :(

I see what you did there...very witty :P

Rabbit traps would be extremely useful. Fishing is just a huge one up on everything else; not sure if it'd be fun but it would be an easy-ish way of getting food (probably not much blood since they would be common).

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I really like the "predatory animals" idea. The 'wilderness' needs to be a bit more threatening. My friends and I on TeamSpeak were talking bout this one night in-game. The animals could give a new layer of depth to the game because of the chance of giving away your position to other players dealing with them since there would be no outrunning them. They could have a chance of a weapon firing to scare them off or make them attack in some instances. Campfires could keep them at bay, but again will give away your position.

Bears could have a chance of spawning every time an animal is gutted or a player/tent has an excessive (more than 4 pc) or raw meat in a tent or one their person. Random spawn points as normal animals have too whle players are travelling. They would not be restricted to just the wilderness as they do show up in towns quite a bit......

Wolves could be treated about the same and may be a bit easier to pull off since the dog already exists. They should be restricted to the wilderness(or anywhere there is not a zombie spawn/patrol area) as you don't see many reports of wolf packs terrorizing small towns. I think a pack of 5-9 wolves would scare me more than respawning in Cherno at night in a hi-pop server with nothing but a flashlight.

Mountain lions would be an epic addition too. Imagine turning around to find a mountain lion creeping up on you in the night, or jumping you from that pile of rocks. Nearly instant death(perhaps the sound of you screaming then your neck breaking while a cat growls in your ear) and a ticket back to the coast is what you win.

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Good idea, but what about those without hunting equipment like me, I cant seem to find any matches.

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@ Rvizzle, yeah, all that is great, would love to see it.

@Peanut, cherno or elektro are best for matches in my experience. Just keep looking :P

Maybe some form of infections could be put in, then you need a certain medic item to heal it or something.

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there isnt enough food in towns as it is i have often ran through towns not finding a single tin of beans and matches are too rare to be able to hunt

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