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Looking for Someone to screw around with

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Hey I'm Tod, I'm 13 and I live in Australia, I'm looking for an Australian/New Zealand player with SOME sort of common sense, i may be 13 but I am far from retarded. I am basically just looking for someone to have some fun with, while still taking the survival aspect seriously. I like to have a laugh and don't care too much if I die and lose 3days worth of work, its all for fun. I like slaughtering the innocent as they run in and out of towns and I also love sniping. I wouldn't mind joining a clan as long as your not the kind of group that are 20YO+ not because I'm a dick just because its intimidating + I don't really want to take things that seriously... unless your the kind of people who don't give a shit. Lol :)

Anyways, if you want to screw around and play some DayZ with me, add me on skype 'biscut_boy' <-- It's gay. Don't hate.

I also do have a serious side and I used to play with friends from a Napoleonic Wars Regiment until I got sick of being told to go to training etc. I really don't give a shit about training i'm a pro :P Lol, No offence to the people that love that kinda leadership stuff. I do like to do it, just not ALL the time.


- Guanz

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Hey man,

i'd love to play with you.

I am looking for the exact same thing as you.

I live in australia and i love killing people. i'm 15.

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Hay man same, u should go to neds post it has more people applying, I hope it goes through

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hey I'd love if you joined my squad (mine because I already have someone in it lolz) and my steams radiantrachel48... And if you do join me i've got you covered for gear, (Pro electro/NW airfield looter) im mainly based around sniping and basicly kill on sight. Rlly need more members for my squad so i can make a base on a server !

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have a look at my signature and see if its something for you :)

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