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Bob Sherunkle

A way to deal with bandits, maybe?

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Bandits - Love em or hate em they add flavour to the game. But there is a limit to flavour and its a bit sour after a while. There has to be some cost to pay in killing other players, otherwise a crucial dynamic is lost. It is easy to ambush and kill others, harder to play honestly. My own personal faveorite suggestion would be that too many kills lowers humanity and the player becomes infected and, like the pass out phases, becomes a Z for intermediate amounts of time. Too much humanity lost and they become a full time Z and can only watch as thier charactes tumbles around, fully equipped yet mindless and just waiting for someone to shoot and loot them.

Humanity can be regained by actively helping others.

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That's just absurd.. limiting the amount of kills you have? Are we trying to eliminate the PvP aspect in the game? PvP is the only thing you can do once you've got all the loot you need. There is no endgame PvE.

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Guys, stop being so mean. Think of the realism in this, I can't believe rocket left it out. Once we kill too many people, we magically become zombies! IT IS PERFECT!!!! RIP bandits!

Sigh. I thought this post was going somewhere but it's another person who whines about dying too much (sorry but that's what it is). If you don't like bandits, go play some other game because this game is 80% bandits. Also heard that about 60% of all players are hackers.

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While I can appreciate your intention, I think you are looking at it from the wrong angle. Banditry already has an inherent Risk/Reward balance, in that a bandit has to actively seek out contact with other players, with each encounter bringing with it a much greater risk of death than plain survival.

I think the proper way to improve upon this is to bring that balance to the survivor's table, add a reason for us to want to help people, or at least something to promote friendliness. exactly what this would be I haven't the foggiest idea, but I think once we start looking at the issue with the right mindset, we can work out a resolution.

In short, there is no "Bandit problem," there is, however, a "Survivor problem."

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Even the bandits towel is a foul compromise, but since the gamemechanics don`t allow survivors to team up, build and defend decent camps and protect themselves against banditry it is okay with me.

Anything else is just plain stupid.

Since the ability to identify bandits was reimplented i only have been killed by my own carelessness. Just be carefull, stay alerted and you won`t get killed.

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I am not really bothered about bandits all that much. Its just that I have encountered too many people on teamspeak and elsewhere who say "Im bored with the game so now I just kill other players".

Banditry should not equal greifing.

Also - I dont propose doing away with bandits but simply having some sort of consequence to banditry. I do think there should also be a way for bandits to avoid the penaly by doing the odd good deed. It wont kill of bandits or ruin PvP and might make new players not feel like cannon fodder. I tried introducing a friend who just thought it was too much like MW3 as he kept getting killed by other players whilst noobing.

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I don't think bandits are too much of a problem. They aren't the biggest threat in the game.

It is the skiddies sitting on a hill with 200 rounds for their ill gotten as50 tws that are the problem.

I can go, toe to toe with any bandit. But getting pwnd by some 12 year and his scripts from 1600m just sux.

Edited by EMT - Jasz
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And one other thing - I dont accept that the game has to be dominated by bandits. That seems like a convenient excuse for playing like a douche.

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Before everyone had duped weapons, coast griefers were less common. Sure you might have some people sniping with a CZ, which led to the nerf in spawn rate, but you could go through elektro/cherno with out worrying that the hills are full of people sniping who will just alt-f4 if you shoot at them.

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the ability to identify bandits

You mean it being another player and in the game... That's the way identify them.

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