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Lingor Island With ACE and ACEX_SM

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I created a Lingor Island server with acex_sm installed. Running smooth but need more people to test it. west coast players preferred as the server is in oahu, HI. Ping might not be showing correctly but west coast users should get around a 90 ping. come to the website http://dayzoahu.webs.com and register and head to the forums to get the links for the mod. hope to see u there. Trying to find bugs and work them out before i share my configuration with others. also read the faq because it changes alot of things in the game. also doubled the amount of zombies that will spawn around you. Thanks.

PS - This is a private hive so all character data is saved locally.

Double Zombies (figured there would be more zombies in an apocolypse)

24/7 Daytime 62 vehicles DayZOahu.webs.com Lingor Island V034 w/ACE and ACEX_SM Mod 1.13.522 (registration required)

Search for oahu

Edited by EndOfDayzSurvivor

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Private Hive !

Off you go to the newly created Private Hive Forum,,, bye.

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I also doubled the amount of zombies in the cities as well. I was shooting for realism with the ace mod and i figure there would be a higher population of zeds in the cities. sometimes u just gotta outsmart them and don't get caught in a corner.

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