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Mountain Dew stories

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Found it in a random lingor loot spawn, my friend broke my legs 30 minutes later, and I had to be the driver for 4 hours due to no morphine...then a idiot in my group thought he could take on a chopper with a AK and got the group wiped. Oh and then i got banned by the admin when I fucked up his SUV and we jacked his chopper.

Mountain Dew......doesn't bring the best of luck.

So basicly I have a Mountain Dew on some private hive server, than I am unable to reach :/

Edited by Tweakie
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I had a dream last night that I was playing the stand-alone, and I found a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew!

When I woke up, it was gone, and I had spawned back at the coast with no gear. :(

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I found my first and only Mountain Dew whilst raiding Cherno at night with a friend. We went into one of those two storey houses. He raided one room and I raided the other. He found a shotgun and some ammo, meanwhile I on the other hand found a can of Mountain Dew. It was hella exciting, I decided that I would never drink it and always keep one empty spot in my backpack for it.

Then, as we left the house, we heard gunshots from up the road. We decided to stupidly make a run for it out of the town, aggroing a ton of zombies on the way. The zombie train attracted the attention of the shooter, we heard gunshosts fly past us. Then I got hit and fainted. My friend made a risky call and started shooting and killing all the zombies that were attacking me. He managed to fend most of them off just as I lost blood and died. He then looted the Mountain Dew and a few other things from me (with my permission). He managed to escape the rest of the zombies and the bandit that was shooting at us before running into the wilderness and logging out.

When we logged back in again, the Mountain Dew and everything else that he looted from me was gone, as well as just about everything we found in Cherno, all thanks to an inventory glitch we're assuming.

Still keep an eye out for more Mountain Dew

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I had a dream last night that I was playing the stand-alone, and I found a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew!

When I woke up, it was gone, and I had spawned back at the coast with no gear. :(

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I found my mountain dew in a Cherno apartment building so I ran onto the woods drank it and logged off.

Edited by zackthazman

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As a prophet for the mountain dew gods, I have positive experiences when carrying a can on me.

-It seems to keep me alive in impossible situations

-I always seem to get the drop on my enemies whenever I have a can on me

-My aim is always true with mountain dew.

My best mountain dew story probably has to come with me finding my first can. Just as I picked it up and walked out of a building in Berezino, I got shot in the chest with an enfield. The player that shot me was then kicked due to Battle Eye not responding or some shit. I wake up and bandage, then sit in cover across the street. The bastard comes right on back in, and I pop him in the back of the head with a fucking crossbow. He drops, instant kill.

Just as that happened, some asshole was firing a M249 near the military camp. I pick up my poor victim's enfield and head on over. Turns out there was a group of 4 ghillie wookies with high grade weaponry looting the place. I engage at 400 or so yards. I fire at the first man. My first shot lands directly in his face. He's dead, and the others run for cover. I shoot another as he tries to run away. His legs are probably broken, he passes out.

I run down to the camp and quickly look for the other two. I FUCKING GET TOSSED 20 FEET FROM A FRAG GRENADE.

I'm alive, passed out, not bleeding... 1500 blood. Three dudes, including the guy I supposedly broke the legs of, I think, come over to me and loot me. They take everything in my ALICE pack, and I sit, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for them to finish me off.

Something was wrong, or so very, very right. After 30 or so seconds, they regroup and start heading north, away from me. I assume that they thought I was dead or something, but they would have to be idiots to assume that.

I get up a minute later and look about, still at 1500 blood. The group was headed NW, only 200 meters or so in front of me... They must have looted my headshot victim's corpse or something.

I follow them for about half an hour, struggling to keep track of them through the underbrush, trees, their ghillie suits, and my passing out.

But alas, I had followed them for the right amount of time, as they "led" me directly to a bunch of tents and a UAZ.

Then it was on like Donkey Kong, and they all lie passed out on the ground. They don't ALT F4, grasping to hope I would think. Their hope was baseless. I walked over to execute them one by one, then passed out on top of them.

After 10 seconds, I get up, then I proceed to execute them one by one. I then take what I want from their camp, crushing the tents afterwards with the UAZ.


And that was my first mountain dew adventure. I have no bloody idea why people call it unlucky.

Edited by Hydra
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I remember the first time my friend drank one he found it on the first bottom floor of a building in Cherno and he stayed in the same room looting for about 2min then he drank the mountain dew and while drinking it he was walking towards the 2nd floor and suddenly a bullet hits him in the head, that bullet came in threw a window. I honestly think those drinks are bad luck because everyone seems to die atleast 5-10min right after drinking it. :D

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As a prophet for the mountain dew gods, I have positive experiences when carrying a can on me.

-It seems to keep me alive in impossible situations

-I always seem to get the drop on my enemies whenever I have a can on me

-My aim is always true with mountain dew.

My best mountain dew story probably has to come with me finding my first can. Just as I picked it up and walked out of a building in Berezino, I got shot in the chest with an enfield. The player that shot me was then kicked due to Battle Eye not responding or some shit. I wake up and bandage, then sit in cover across the street. The bastard comes right on back in, and I pop him in the back of the head with a fucking crossbow. He drops, instant kill.

Just as that happened, some asshole was firing a M249 near the military camp. I pick up my poor victim's enfield and head on over. Turns out there was a group of 4 ghillie wookies with high grade weaponry looting the place. I engage at 400 or so yards. I fire at the first man. My first shot lands directly in his face. He's dead, and the others run for cover. I shoot another as he tries to run away. His legs are probably broken, he passes out.

I run down to the camp and quickly look for the other two. I FUCKING GET TOSSED 20 FEET FROM A FRAG GRENADE.

I'm alive, passed out, not bleeding... 1500 blood. Three dudes, including the guy I supposedly broke the legs of, I think, come over to me and loot me. They take everything in my ALICE pack, and I sit, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for them to finish me off.

Something was wrong, or so very, very right. After 30 or so seconds, they regroup and start heading north, away from me. I assume that they thought I was dead or something, but they would have to be idiots to assume that.

I get up a minute later and look about, still at 1500 blood. The group was headed NW, only 200 meters or so in front of me... They must have looted my headshot victim's corpse or something.

I follow them for about half an hour, struggling to keep track of them through the underbrush, trees, their ghillie suits, and my passing out.

But alas, I had followed them for the right amount of time, as they "led" me directly to a bunch of tents and a UAZ.

Then it was on like Donkey Kong, and they all lie passed out on the ground. They don't ALT F4, grasping to hope I would think. Their hope was baseless. I walked over to execute them one by one, then passed out on top of them.

After 10 seconds, I get up, then I proceed to execute them one by one. I then take what I want from their camp, crushing the tents afterwards with the UAZ.


And that was my first mountain dew adventure. I have no bloody idea why people call it unlucky.

Coolest story I've ever read.

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I was talking with a friendly survivor. His friend comes and says "I FOUND A MOUNTAIN DEW!" I then shoot him and his friend for the mountain dew. WORTH IT!

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Found my very first mountain dew in the Cherno apartments. I've heard the rumors of it being bad luck. I decided that I would not loot it, respecting the Mountain Dew gods' wishes. I was getting ready to leave Cherno when I thought, oh I managed to have forgotten to check the medical tents. I sneak across town without aggroing a single zombie and stumble into the low grade military tents. Lo' and Behold, an M24 is on the ground in front of me.

Thank you Mountain Dew Gods.

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Don't you understand? The Dew Gods only allow certain people to pick up mountain dew cans, as they are direct lines of communication between you and the mountain dew/bean gods. Not all are fit.

The mountain dew gods do not wish for the cans to be left smoldering in some backwater apartment, they wish them to be carried around the world.

Bt theses gods are angry... They demand the blood of the innocent as tribute. As long as they are sated, they will protect you until you drop the mountain dew.

Oh, and I usually drink a can once a week on top of Green Mountain as tribute.

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And so sayeth the Dew Gods:

Carry thei priceless artifact around thein world or we shalt smite thee down.

Thy the artifact is holy. Many haveth tried but thee abandoned thei artifact.

They haveth been rebellious so we hadeth to smiteh thoum down

Do not disobeyeth us.

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Had my mountain dew for a couple days.

Did die once. Spawned 20ft from where I logged off and that meant i fell to my death. Luckily I was able to get back all my gear including the dew.

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Well last night I died from some stupid glitched stairs. Today I killed a guy and got a AS50 TWS, Coyote Backpack, M4A1 SD HOLO w/203, Radio, NVG, and Rangefinder. Dude had like 6 Mtn dews in the backpack.

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Went to Cherno one day on my Motorcycle to pick up my friend and decided to do a little raiding well I was in the apartment complex that has the restaurant right next to it and I found a mountain dew in a pile of m1911 and g17 mags on the secound floor.. not long after a stupid backpack glitch made all the stuff disappear in my backpack including my as50.... luckily I had my dew in my invo.. got most of my supplies back and found another as50 at a heli crash site 3 days ago.. still looking for some NVG's and coyote backpack. still alive atm...

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Found 2 Cans of Mountain Dew in Cherno.

Bandit shot me in the leg and stole my supplies in my alice pack.

He proceeded to drink said Mountain Dew in my face.


Mountain Dew Luck.

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Mountain dew IS unlucky. Here's why:

I had been playing with a RL friend for about 3 days. I showed him the ropes and he became pretty competent at surviving and being a teammate. We managed to loot Stary and got some decent weapons, including a frag grenade that my buddy found. Shortly afterwards I found my first mountain dew. About a minute later I found a DMR an FN FAL at a crashed heli site. As a result of our new found firepower, we decided to ask a very experienced player that we know if he'd join up with us for a raid on the NWAF. He agreed and we decided to meet him just south of Stary as he was running from Cherno. He had an L85 with a m107, ghillie, NVG, GPS... everything. I believe he'd been alive for 30 days, and he played nearly every day. I told him I had a mountain dew and that we'd had good luck with it, but he wasn't believing it. He unsuccessfully tried to convince me to drop it. Mistake.

So off we go... The server had about 15 people in it and none were obvious clannies, so we thought we'd probably get lucky and not run into too much resistance... it was also getting dark. By the time we were 300m or so from the AF, my noobish buddy realized he had no clue how to throw flares/chemlights. He's got both in his inventory so I give him a crash-course. Mistake. I told him to hit "f" and it would change to the flares... what I'd forgotten is that he had that fu^%)^@# frag grenade in his pocket. Yep, THAT happened... he dropped it and actually said "my flare didn't light up"..... BOOM. All three of us instantly die and spend the next 2 hours trying to navigate to our corpses in a server with a 1/8 full moon.

Mountain Dew....

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