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Now we can't play DayZ cause of this(hackers video)

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Whats funny is how the guy thinks they're invincible hackers, yet wastes ALL of his ammo on them. An even funnier note is that he keeps pressing vehicle chat to talk to them.....

Guy filming this is a complete noob.

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Whats funny is how the guy thinks they're invincible hackers, yet wastes ALL of his ammo on them. An even funnier note is that he keeps pressing vehicle chat to talk to them.....

Guy filming this is a complete noob.


he even can hit the targets.

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Whats funny is how the guy thinks they're invincible hackers, yet wastes ALL of his ammo on them. An even funnier note is that he keeps pressing vehicle chat to talk to them.....

Guy filming this is a complete noob.

Agreed, i would have just left.

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Agreed, i would have just left.

Exactly, what are you hoping to accomplish? This thing needs to be retitled, "How noobs deal with hackers". It's just so bad on every level. Log out, switch servers, there are 1,000 better ways to combat this then what was shown in the video.

It's unfortunate but Arma was made to be a very modded game, which lends itself to easy access to hackers. This problem is being fixed in the standalone by not allowing the heavy modding inherent in the Arma1 engine. DayZ atm is an alpha, play it, have fun, when this happens, go elsewhere.

Protip: hackers do this because they WANT you to give them this exact kind of attention. Guess what hackers don't like? Empty servers and no one to give them attention.

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Exactly, what are you hoping to accomplish? This thing needs to be retitled, "How noobs deal with hackers". It's just so bad on every level. Log out, switch servers, there are 1,000 better ways to combat this then what was shown in the video.

It's unfortunate but Arma was made to be a very modded game, which lends itself to easy access to hackers. This problem is being fixed in the standalone by not allowing the heavy modding inherent in the Arma1 engine. DayZ atm is an alpha, play it, have fun, when this happens, go elsewhere.

Protip: hackers do this because they WANT you to give them this exact kind of attention. Guess what hackers don't like? Empty servers and no one to give them attention.

One day I went to a empty server about 12 players counting with me and a friend. Got some gear. Got my precious guillet suit. After 2 hours from the very start BOOOOOOOMMMMMM

Every one was dead.

It seems that they don't care what serve they attack. The hackertards just go serve to serve kill every one with the MASSIVESHITBOOMB!

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No server is hacker proof. First day I started playing, very firs server I joined, within 20mins, everyone died. However you need to consider that generally speaking, your odds of running into one go way down when you play for long periods of time on lower pop servers. Find one to eventually call "home", and get to know the regulars. Keep an eye on the server list and be wary of new names.

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