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You know you play to much DayZ when..

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..You kneel down to eat your dinner

..You see which cars are enter able, and proceed to get dirty looks from the neighbour

..You're in and out of a super market in less then a minute

Let's see how you know when you play to much DayZ :P

Ps. sorry if this has already been done, done a quick search but didn't find it.

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You think of a good idea and then everyone cries because it's not instantly available.

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...You see Heinz Baked Beans and feel an instinctive urge to take them.

...Get really excited when you see Mountain Dew.

...Can't think of any more right now.

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i rob a homeless guy for beans

i warn people of airports because of bandits

i call people that ask for directions noobs

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...You see someone coming towards you and say "FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY!"

...You immediately kill Islamic people wearing a head garmet in fear they're bandits.

,,,You are fearful of all helicopters.

...You call "Hacks!" everytime you see a plane.

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You check for sniper posts while walking down the street of an unfamiliar town/city.

You analyze random people to check if they are friendly before approaching.

You start checking your pockets for what gear you've acquired. Only to realize its only your keys and cell...

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...You see someone coming towards you and say "FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY!"

LOL! I can picture that!

... You run away from all beaches for fear of being sniped ...

... You find yourself wearing a backpack everywhere ...

Edited by RogueSniper

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...You see someone coming towards you and say "FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY!"

...You immediately kill Islamic people wearing a head garmet in fear they're bandits.

,,,You are fearful of all helicopters.

...You call "Hacks!" everytime you see a plane.

Take it from me who actually has a warning...

I got a 3 day suspension from the DayZ forums for allegedly being racist.

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...You laugh at schoolkids because their backpacks are noob.

...You watch joggers from a far in case they aggro zombies.

...You ask strangers if they'll blood pack for blood pack every time you get a small cut.

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Take it from me who actually has a warning...

I got a 3 day suspension from the DayZ forums for allegedly being racist.

Lolwhat, what I said was not in the LEAST bit racist. I mentioned people who follow Islam wear head garmets, which in DayZ is similar to the bandits who have head wraps.

In no way is that racist, at all. In any conceivable way.


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I did one last week and another, but the more, "too much" threads the better; a nice change from the whining. :beans:

You know you play too much DayZ when you feel like you should crouch walk up to your car so zombies can't see you.

...when driving through town and planning the routes to take on foot, with lots of cover and trees; just in case....

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haha you guys rock.

..when driving past a barn/shed you think to yourself 'could there be fuel in there'

..you have the urge to turn your vehicle lights off while driving at night

..you have already mapped out your neighbourhood in your mind

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...You avoid fire stations at all costs.

...You never crawl over small rocks in case you break every bone in your body and die.

...You feel much more at ease when you're proned in grass.

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...You instinctively run over anyone you see when you get in a car, no exceptions.

...You feel a murderous rage inside you every time you pick up an axe.

...You feel safe whenever you're on a pier.

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...You yell "Eyes on you" when you're watching people outside their house.

...You sometimes forget you can't just alt+f4 whenver there's danger.

...You walk along beaches just to rob people of their beans.

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Lolwhat, what I said was not in the LEAST bit racist. I mentioned people who follow Islam wear head garmets, which in DayZ is similar to the bandits who have head wraps.

In no way is that racist, at all. In any conceivable way.


I understand, and that's what I thought when my post was flagged...

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you ALT F4 when a squirrel jumps on u

ba dum tss

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...you go to a supermarket and check the floor for lootpiles.. (yeah, damn. they put them up on the shelves around here)

...you open doors with a 6-foot pole to avoid breaking bones and..

...you 'squeeze' your shoulders together when walking through a doorway to not get stuck.

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You kinda want to go out and buy the Prestige Edition of MW2 even though you don't want to play the game... ( google it if you don't get the reference ;) )

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This actually happened to me yesterday..

I'm using google maps to check directions somewhere, and I'm using scrollwheel DOWN to zoom in, scrollwheel UP to zoom out, and right-clicking to drag the map.. and I'm wondering why none of it is working right! :P

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I got a multipack of those small Diamond brand match boxes for a camping trip last year.

Every time I see one of those little red boxes sitting somewhere I get excited for a moment and want to loot them.

Also, there's a small open field next to a road that's surrounded by forest and has one large tree/shrub in the center. I drive by it fairly regularly. And every time I look at this uphill field leading to the forest I can't help but think about how much I don't want to cross it, and the sprint from forest to shrub to forest that would be required.

Edited by Brew78

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