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Perfect Private Hive

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I've been playing a few weeks, mostly on public hive, bopping around different servers as available. I usually try low-population servers because I don't want to shoot at anyone and I don't like being shot at.

Recently I've been playing on a couple private hive servers. One where I play solo, another where I play with my wife, and another where I play with my wife and my best friend. This way we can play whenever and don't have to worry about ditching anyone.

Anyway, I've found more friendlies on private hive servers. Way fewer "shoot on sight" folks, and far fewer talentless gasbags just taking advantage of easy pickings. In my opinion, I have found some criteria for the perfect private hive. I'm offering the list to help new players, especially survivors aiming for hero status instead of bandit.

All private hives have the benefit of not attracting server-hoppers. The people you're playing with cannot simply bounce out to another server after they loot you. The Perfect Private Hive has the following:

1) Good time zone. It has daylight when you play (or night if you prefer), during the time you play.

2) Veteran skill level of better, so attackers cannot simply scan the trees until your name and distance light up.

3) 3DP off. While 3DP gives you more realistic peripheral vision, it also allows you to see over brush and around corners unrealistically, benefitting murderers who don't have skill.

4) CH off. With crosshairs off, attackers cannot squeeze off easy and unrealistic hip-shots and must stop and use iron-sights to shoot you.

5) Exact match for your Day Z and arma beta patch version. The arma patch on the server can be newer than what you have, and still work, but for best compatibility make sure both match. The Day Z version MUST always match.

6) Active admins, who actually play and don't just sit in the BEC admin chair chatting. While some private hives do exist solely so that a local clan can dominate and kill everyone, there are many who are looking to make a good impression and get players on the server. They will often help, providing rides and gear.

7) Global voicechat enabled. Bear with me here. Yes, it's unrealistic. You can't talk to someone miles away, unless you have a phone or radio or something. But here's the thing - you can just mute them. Global chat seems to annoy the living piss out of the talentless schmuck, so it keeps them off the server. Choose a server that has this enabled, and just mute chatty folk.

Like I said, using these criteria I *still do get shot* by murderers, only far less often. And when someone gets me, it's due to their marksmanship and patience in stalking me. It's much easier to get over it when it's an honest crime and not just some 12 year old punk being an ass-hole.

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Post missing the phrase: "in my opinion"

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I have a group of about 8 or 9 guys and we were thinking about joining a private hive. Finally got a chopper up and running...server got nuked.

Do private hives normally have high pop servers regularly? We love to get into firefights so I just dont want to be bored.

Edit: @sp86, I think it is pretty clear that it is his own opinion..thanks for the useless post though.

Edited by th3scottyb

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Post missing the phrase: "in my opinion"

Negative, Red Leader. I said it right here:

In my opinion, I have found some criteria for the perfect private hive.

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Do private hives normally have high pop servers regularly? We love to get into firefights so I just dont want to be bored.

I don't usually look for one that has a high population, but lately I have noticed a dozen or so on the servers I play. But, if you're rolling with 8 or 9 and looking for a firefight, you could easily find one on such a server. Once there are more than a handful, all you'd really need to do is go looking for a fight in some of the regular haunts. In my experience, tho, you're not going to find the loaded servers (40 or 50 players ore more) in private hive.

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We discuss the private hives in off-topic.

Who's with me? Let's go there!


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i too, have been rocking private hives lately just because i had such a stockpile of gear on the public hive death was no longer any concern since the only drawback was having to run to my tents. playing with my crew on our public server is still a blast but once things quiet down in the late evening its really fun to actually go back and start at square one without having that stash with gillies, NVGs, and silenced pewpew machines to fall back on.

youve got a good list as far as im concerned as most of those criteria are what i look for as well

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Edit: @sp86, I think it is pretty clear that it is his own opinion..thanks for the useless post though.

You expected a well-reasoned response to a useless topic? Private Servers are not DayZ as they lack the essential component: without a persistent character/world across servers you're playing Generic ARMA II Zombie Mod #5832.

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You expected a well-reasoned response to a useless topic? Private Servers are not DayZ as they lack the essential component: without a persistent character/world across servers you're playing Generic ARMA II Zombie Mod #5832.

How exactly is having the ability to cross from server to server without losing your position or equipment crucial to Day Z? As long as the server you're on is maintained, not laggy and to your preferences, that 'essential component' becomes redundant. Just like your post.


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Denalb US1 Chicago (v1.7.2.5/build 96061) [Private Hive|Veteran|CH:ON|3DP:ON] Only Daytime - Hosted by Denalb

With all of the craziness that and scripting has brought, I want to give everyone a second option. I created a 50 player server using a private hive for anyone to play on. Remember, with a private hive, your character will not save to other servers. You will be forced to play on my server if you want to play the same character you create on my server. Some advantages to this are:

  • No server hopping/ghosting.
  • Local bans to cheaters/scripters without the need to justify on the DayZ forums.
  • Always Daytime so nightvision goggles/gamma aren't required for US players who play at night.
  • More vehicles! I've added plenty of vehicles to share including two helicopters for some nice air battles.
  • Vehicles and Tents save! Thats right. Inventories, locations, you name it, it saves.
  • Two choppers, 1 SUV, and about 50 other vehicles to find and use! I created new random spawns for most vehicles.
  • If a vehicle is deemed out of bounds/is destroyed on a server restart, the vehicle will be reset back to its original spawn point.
  • Less lag/desync as the hive is local to my server and not being flooded by thousands of servers.
  • New spawn locations on the east coast to help newcomers explore the northeast part of the map.
  • Moved the southwest spawns further east to help new spawns get to the major cities without running for 45 minutes.
  • *Future Update*Out of bounds prevention. Players/Vehicles will die/explode when crossing over to out of bounds. This will also help those who may spawn out there.
  • *Possible Update in the Future* Alt+F4 prevention.

If I see enough requests for it, I am also willing to modifiy your starting equipment if it isn't outrageous. (I was thinking about giving players some food/water and a hatchet).

I may also provide a teamspeak server if I get enough requests for it.

So come try it out. It will be up 24/7. It will be fast loading with minimal lag. I will also be able to admin it a lot better due to some extra protection I have installed for script kiddies and hackers.

Denalb US1 Chicago (v1.7.2.5/build 96061) [Private Hive|Veteran|CH:ON|3DP:ON] Only Daytime - Hosted by Denalb

I've made a twitter account and a gtalk account so you can contact me if needed. I will also post updates to the server status/upgrades.

Twitter: @DenalbHive

GTalk: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Feel free to contacts me with questions/issues/comments.

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How exactly is having the ability to cross from server to server without losing your position or equipment crucial to Day Z? As long as the server you're on is maintained, not laggy and to your preferences, that 'essential component' becomes redundant. Just like your post.


Because that's the experiment, creating a persistent world across multiple servers through a central hive. Redundant or not according to your habits is irrelevant, like pretty much everything you type. :D

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Because that's the experiment, creating a persistent world across multiple servers through a central hive. Redundant or not according to your habits is irrelevant, like pretty much everything you type. :D

This would be true if the OP was referring to Day Z as an experiment. But that is not the case, instead coming across as one who is looking to speak of the 'game' (which you must have never heard of before). Day Z as a game does not REQUIRE the hive-mind server-consistency function, the only positive of this being convenience in being able to switch to a smoother server on a whim (or playing with friends at the drop of a hat). If you'd actually taken the time to read ANYTHING that had been written before your pointless responses, you'd see that OP is giving his idea as to what the perfect PRIVATE server would be, containing all or a majority of the points he provided in his opening post. Since PRIVATE servers have nothing to do with the actual Day Z hive mind, where did you get the idea that it's missing the point of anything? It's been stated countless times before; Private Servers are not Official Servers, so they aren't directly related to Rocket or the Day Z mod and are not supposed to be generalised together. It's a completely different gaming experience that you apparently have no love of. But instead of merely saying this, you chose to simply disregard the OP and just try and make him look the fool.

I'm sorry to say this, but you're not needed here and never will be - you lack the capacity to do anything other than ignite the flames of stupidity that burn throughout the rest of this forum. If you'd like to prove me wrong; how about adding to the discussion that the topic was presented with? WITHOUT resulting to pathetic attempts at wit and self-satisfying dribble? Is that too hard for you? Prove me wrong.


Edited by M O N S T E R
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Lets argue about who is right and who is wrong, rather than talk about the OP.

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Why don't you all come play on my private hive, then by like "aww shit wtf. why haven't i been playing like this from the start". Handle it in Cherno instead of on here.

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Touched a nerve did I? I'm simply stating that modded private servers are not DayZ, no more than ACE or City Life or any of the numerous preexisting ARMA II zombie mods are. Being that this was posted in the DayZ forum before being moved to OT my criticism is relevant, and criticism is always needed.

Lets argue about who is right and who is wrong, rather than talk about the OP.

OP's preferences match OP's needs and are a perfectly valid expression of the way he wishes to experience the game.

Why don't you all come play on my private hive, then by like "aww shit wtf. why haven't i been playing like this from the start". Handle it in Cherno instead of on here.

I SA a Vanilla (Except for the time offset) server, so I tend to stick to that one. I don't like PKing anyhow.

Edited by sp86

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Let's argue about the proper way to install a toilet-paper roll. Proper being such that it rolls underhand, not overhand.

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underhand causes excess paper to hang down, sometimes hitting the floor. Overhand for some odd reason keeps it in place. It does not tend to unroll itself hitting the floor.

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I prefer sideways, with multiple rolls stacked on top of each other. That way you can reuse your paper towel dispensers.

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I should release Rocket Brand toilet paper. It would start off really strong, but after awhile it just stops working, and all you can do is flush.

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I wouldn't buy Rocket toilet paper. It wouldn't take any shit.

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Arktos Toilet paper would claim they came up with a better crap mitigation system years before Rocket toilet paper, but it would just be a cheap rebranding of one of their other products.

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I've actually never played on a private hive, but I've been thinking that I should give it a shot. The OP's criteria sound like a good place to start.

Toilet Paper: under. Always under. My wife always gets it wrong.

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