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Blowing up a chopper

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How much damage can a chopper take until you can destroy it?

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Several dozen Hits, it is not the damage it is the area where the damage is applied to.

The joint between main rotor and engine, if hit by one single AS50 shot, means goodbye for the Huey

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That would not work unless it was airborne though... Right? How about destroying a stationary, engine off Huey, such as one might find on top of the international hotel?

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That would not work unless it was airborne though... Right? How about destroying a stationary, engine off Huey, such as one might find on top of the international hotel?

lol exactly

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Unless the chopper is physically airborne, there is no way to destroy it while on ground. The worst that'll happen is that everything will be turned red and will have to be fully repaired. If you shoot the main rotor in mid air and manage to hit it, it will go down and then blow up. I don't understand why it's impossible to destroy them on the ground, but w/e.

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You will most likely need grenades or an RPG, I don't think it's possible to destroy a grounded Huey with gun fire, which is why you often see helicopters parked on top of Hotel, if they have spare parts on them they can simply repair it and fly off again.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I believe a satchel charge just might do the trick to a parked helo just like it does to parked trucks, cars, etc...

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Here is my favorite solution (shameless plug of a video of mine):

Just auto-hover it halfway on/off the edge of a dock, and get out (make sure it says "Get Out" not eject). The chopper will land awkwardly, tilt slowly, and eventually slip into the ocean before it spontaneously combusts.

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