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Stucked at loading screen

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Me and a friend of mine have same problem if its beta 93415, 93616 or 93666

I have loading screen that takes forever 616, 666 even worse.

Unplayable if im trying for hours getting into a game.

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Same , for the past 2 hours i have only gotten into 1 server ! and that was a low pop one.

Running 1.7.0 + Arma2 beta 93616. Running the cmd to launch Beta Version.

All the 1.60 servers i tried were stuck at Loading.

80% of the Beta 9xxxx servers also get stuck on loading.

Have only been able to get into ONE server so far and that was a low pop 12/32 players.

No chance on the 90%+ full servers.

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I too have experienced this issue A LOT after updating to 93616, pretty much every consecutive server I join - I get stuck on Loading.

And yes, I had made sure the Server was using the same version(DayZ 1.7.0, ArmA 2 93616).

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Just tried several servers, didn't get in on a single one. I updated to 93666, and now I can't join anything. Either I get stuck on Wait for Host or loading... :(

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3666 stuck at loading every damn server...

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Every single evening its like the servers get some sort of meltdown. Im unable to play on any server. During the daytime there was no problem (gmt+1)

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Seems the problem is back again, I've been told by my buddies it takes quite a while to get in (~10-20min). Still waiting and it's been about 15 minutes now. If this is some sort of 'fix' for the server hoppers I'm betting it'll work but it sucks :P

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I am using 1.7, latest beta patch, and cannot join any server period.

I usually get stuck at "retrying to authenticate", or "waiting for character to create" with the lobby overlay covering the normally black screen. Have not been able to join a server for about a week now... regardless of time of day or server load.

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I tried to join NL 4 a while ago' date=' but when I join it gets stuck on loading, but not the normal loading hang-up I sometimes experience. This time I see the yellowish loading bar about 4/5th filled up and I hear sounds of anything that goes on around me.


Exact same problem, and same server aswell. Although I can get on other servers just fine, I prefer to play on NL 4.

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I get stuck on "loading" but only in my server, it's brand new and we've only had it for a few days. I've tried restarting it many times but doesn't seem to help.

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Same problem here... loading stuck forever :(

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Happends on probably 80% of all the servers I try to join. And every time it happens, I have to do the Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down Arma 2 and then starte the entire game again.

It's getting really aggrivating to find a good server now. Since it's a 60/40 chance of the server either lags, spawns me in random locations, doesn't have sound, zeds or loot.

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