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About darthsatan

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  1. they didn't but I've found out how to fix that, the variables ( modelname = "modelname"; ) goes at the bottom of the server_functions.sql file
  2. I just deleted all that to unlock all the skins, never tried just adding skins to the list.
  3. search http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php to find what skins you want and their codes... the "FR" I think is from the US skins in ArmA 2
  4. it's in the dayz_server.pbo, extract it with something like pboviewer or cpbo, in the "compile" folder, the file you need to edit is "server_playerLogin.sqf". I still need help getting the skins to stick after log out though
  5. I have been trying to get this working on my server, but the skins always revert back to default after logout. I read that you have to add a variable (modelname = "modelname";) to the mission init.sql but I'm not 100% on how or where to do this and I don't wanna break my server with the trial and error method.
  6. darthsatan

    "No pvp" server

    I personally have reached a point where I don't see the zombies as a real threat, so without PvP the game is quite boring. but I know many people who gave up entirely because the PvP aspect was too much when 1st starting out, and I don't think a "no PvP" server for newbies is a bad idea, it would give new players a chance to get a feel for the game and learn how to deal with the zombies (such as aggro distance, how to loose them, ect.) before getting gunned down by a much more experienced and well equipped player.
  7. darthsatan

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I've played in the frizag server quite a bit and never had any issues, my team has killed them, they have killed us, and it was fun with no bans or even any harsh feelings. nevermind... they are douches, they banned one of my team for teleporting cuz he logged in on a hard to reach island and killed them, and when we tried to appeal his ban they kicked us and said "bans are final, it's our server and we can do what we want". at least I managed to kill them again before they banned me but as others have stated above, avoid the frizag server.
  8. darthsatan

    This game is ruined by cheaters

  9. darthsatan

    Remove kill information

    I think this is a great idea, I've thought about it a good bit myself. the only people who don't want it gone are the people who think it represents the size of their penis, and just kill to make that number go up. having it also tells players that it matters, which it doesn't. removing the kill counter won't stop the killing by any means, and I personally don't want to stop it, it's a major part of the mod, but it just might show players that, that's not what the mod is all about, maybe replace it with a counter that tracks your ingame survival time, I know it tells you what day you're on when you 1st log in, but that doesn't tell you how much time you've actually spent/survived in game. removing it won't punish player for killing, and people that want to kill will still be able to do it freely, but it might shift a bit of focus from getting your kill count up, to actually surviving.
  10. you can do that? I thought you'd get stuck at "waiting for character to create" or something like that if the server isn't connected to the hive
  11. my whole group got kicked with this error, some were able to get back in after restarting six launcher, some respawned in debug and immediately died, others were able to continue with no issue, I can't even get in since I don't use six launcher. for me most servers have the red X by the name instead of the yellow ? but I have the latest beta and all files are up to date. I kinda think it's just a battleye issue.
  12. darthsatan

    sidearm/hatchet toolbelt swap

    well I was being a bit more specific and adding that the sidearm go into the toolbelt, but to keep players from having 5 pistols on their belt, just make it swappable, this "swap" feature could also be added to the flashlight. I just want to be able to quickly and easily use the hatchet as a melee weapon without having to drop anything else so I thought making the pistol holsterable on the toolbelt while the hatchet is in use would be the best way to go about it. also a crowbar could be used to quickly remove wire fencing, or pry open doors that could be locked or randomly rusted shut. I did several quick searches in the suggestions to see if anyone else had a similar idea but most people throw out 10 ideas at once, I just want 1 so that's all I searched for and it never turned up any threads.
  13. I would love to see the hatchet swappable with your equipped sidearm on the toolbelt. there have been many times I've crawled all the way to a building, stood up in the doorway to walk in, and aggroed 1 zombie that was across the street, already having both a rifle and a pistol, then having to use all my ammo cuz as soon as I shot that 1 zombie, the whole neighborhood was running at me. but if the hatchet was considered a sidearm and my pistol was able to be holstered in the toolbelt, I could have swapped my loud pistol with my quiet hatchet and avoided using all my ammo cuz 1 zombie saw me. even if it's only "swappable" to keep people from having 10 different sidearms on their toolbelt, and only with the hatchet since it's a smaller melee weapon that has other function, is readily available, and very common.
  14. darthsatan

    ingame time

    any way of getting the time set correctly? it's an atl server set at pacific time, it always has been for some reason