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Zombie Boss

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Big FAT Boss zombie, 1.5* larger than a normal zombie, that walks around, possibly one or two in a given area, they would have a 2 smaller much faster zombies THUGS with them, if the Boss spots a player, and the boss would have a much larger view distance, then he would stop, scream and point , the 2 thug zombies would then charge full speed at the player.

Any other zombies in the area hearing the boss would also go for the player , kinda like invasion of the body snatchers, point , scream , ahhhhhh!..

Zombie Spitter , spits poison/infection at players, with a 50 meter range, a hit player gets infected and starts loosing blood fast, as well as spreading the infection to anyone around them, hit players would need to run away from friends to medicare themselves.

Boomer Zombie , zombie that in its life was a solder bomb tech, bad news for us is that hes walking around with a bomb ready to go off at the smallest nudge, when he spots a player he runs right at them full speed, and once close enough BOOOOM!, if hes shot he also blows up, players could use them tactically.

Whisper Zombie : this zombie walks around, and when he gets close to a player, he whispers to him, "hay friendly?" , "im coming in dont shoot" , "yoohooo i have a gun" , "I see you" in VOICE not text, any little creepy voice thing to pure mess with the players head, a little audio manipulation and people wont know if its a real player or a zombie haahaha.

Gunner Zombie : even a monkey can pick up a gun and shoot it, so a zombie that picks up guns and shoots them at players, the accuracy would be horrible possibly 1 in 100 shots might actually hit the player, it would be more about freaking a player out than actually having zombies gunning players down, the zombie would shoot in the general direction of any players seen.

Grabber zombie : fast running zombie that grabs onto the player slowing the player down while adding a slow blood drain, the player being held should not be able to get it off, the slower the player moves the more zombies can grab on until the player is held and cant escape, one or two grabbers in a normal pack of normal zombies could pose a real challenge.

Small AI suggestions..

Camps, Zombies should smell camps from at least 200 meters, and walk toward them, tents, fire's, vehicles with people in, fencing anything a player has built , placed or put down should leave a smell the zombies should navigate toward.

Zombies should bang on closed doors not open them, would give more freak to the players if there are 3 zombies at the door bashing the crap out of it.

when its dark, some zombies should head inside buildings and stand in corners , players seeking shelter could get a real surprise if they run into houses and rooms without checking them for z's

Picking Up Loot, when a zombie kills a player, it should loot the player and pick up his stuff, that zombie should then be exempt from the despawn and put on a timer, if the player gets back in time he can kill the zombie or zombies if three or four killed him and get his stuff back, if the player does not get back in time, say 5 or 10 minutes then the zombie despawns taking the players loot with them.

just a few thoughts.

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Big FAT Boss zombie, 1.5* larger than a normal zombie, that walks around, possibly one or two in a given area, they would have a 2 smaller much faster zombies THUGS with them, if the Boss spots a player, and the boss would have a much larger view distance, then he would stop, scream and point , the 2 thug zombies would then charge full speed at the player.

Go play left 4 dead. Zombies doesn't have hierarchy. There is no boss. They AREN'T team. It's the game not against the zombie, it's about killing other players.

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I honestly think that is a bad idea because we spawn w/ no weapon and if its hard enough getting around normal zombies so we can find stuff, I can't only

imagen with a "Boss" type of zombie, It would be way harder knowing its a boss and we spawn with no weapon. Just my opinion

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