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World's End Gaming | Your DayZ Community!

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Welcome fellow survivor!

I believe you're here because you're looking for a place to get involved with other Day Z survivors. Well you have visited the right place! World's End Gaming has been going strong in the post-apocalyptic world since mid-May and is still looking to welcome new and veteran players a like to come together to enjoy this great game.

What we have to offer

World's End Gaming offers a no-obligation environment for all players. This means that you can hop in Teamspeak and play with whoever is online any time you want. Aside from this, we are also establishing a dedicated force to conduct operations for whoever wishes to try that route. Either way we can fit your Day Z needs!

Currently we operate two (2) Day Z servers which are administered by 4 active staff members who are available at most times of the days to make sure all players are adhering to our anti-cheat rules. Not to mention the rules set by the Day Z dev team.

We also have our very own "Black Market" where members and verified traders can exchange goods amongst themselves. A very good system that is administered by staff and moderators to make sure everyone follows the rules so there is no foul play!

Other Activities

World's End Gaming also offers other activities such as community game nights where we enjoy other games to "load off" from the regular gaming. Shortly also events such as monthly raffles, community livestream and others will be put into effect to further the experience within our community.

If what you have read above sounds appealing to you, then we would like to take the opportunity to extend to you a formal invitation to stop by and check us out.

You can visit us at http://www.worldsendgaming.com, register an account, and say hello! clear.png

See you on the battlefield!



World's End Gaming Founder

Edited by Garcia
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Great community! Have been enjoying the time ive spent there ever since I joined their TS Server. Well worth to check out :D

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Hey chaps.

Feel free to hop in and play. Send me a PM if you had any questions or anything.

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Don't be afraid, stop by the website and say hello! Usually always have people on Teamspeak to play with!

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