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Old Man

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About Old Man

  • Rank
  1. Been hanging around this bunch for about a month, great group.
  2. Great bunch of folks and fun times! I highly recommend
  3. then the the game would look like most of the server maps.. ugh. It's a good idea, but will become messy quickly.
  4. Old Man

    Bandit Posing As Hapless Tween

    Well the game is rated 'M' --- Maybe we can somehow use his own lie (if it is) that he's 13 and get him banned? wouldnt that be funny... oh well one can dream of payback.. p.s. - i know it wont happen, but it would, like I said, be funny.
  5. Well that solves that then, thank you
  6. When I launch thru steam I cannot connect to servers. For some reason when I launch the game thru Steam it runs as version 1.62.95248 when 1.62.95417 is required. But if I launch thru Six Launcher (without 'launch thru Steam enabled) I have no problem getting into the server, and it says the version is 1.62.95417. Am I doing something wrong here? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Well I was in a M1A1 Abrams, so noone stood in front of me and asked .... they ran like hell..
  8. really? cause I did, platoon, company and battalion channels...
  9. Old Man

    Looking for some friends

    I hear you, but look at it this way, I put my name out there, and my Forum name to boot.. so if I were to back stab you, I could be ridiculed and shunned.. noone else would trust me, so I wouldnt do that to myself.
  10. Hey there, I'm in the US, East Coast. But time zone doesn't mean much to me due to work. I am looking for some folks to hang around with and form a 'survivor' clan type group whatever.. I have had the game for about 2 weeks now and have been assassinated too many times by folks claiming to be 'friendly' :) I'm looking for some folks I can trust and who are fun to hang out with, I dont have a 'home' yet as far as a server, and am looking for one.. I'm 35, a family man, and play when I can, not too much, not too little (work and all). Let me know if you're interested. I go by 'Old Man' in the game. I should clear up a bit: I'm looking for folks to pal around with when they're on, not to have scheduled times or activities, I'm a 'in the moment' kind of person.
  11. Did you go into Six Launcher Options and make sure 'Launch Through Steam (if available)' is unchecked... I know I've had issues when I launch thru steam, the patch rolls back and I cant log into any servers,
  12. Am I the only one this is happening to? I can still log into servers, some say good afterward, some don't.. weird.
  13. Old Man

    Multiplayer Setup Freeze :(

    well, it's locking up after 10 mins of play.. that never happened before.
  14. Old Man

    Multiplayer Setup Freeze :(

    Yeah it's working now for me thru 6 launcher... weird
  15. Old Man

    Multiplayer Setup Freeze :(

    I didnt play last night Is it a common OS issue? I am running Windows Home Premium 64 bit